SRO No. | Title | Date | Document(s) |
85 | SRO-85 Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Senior Store Officer Grade-II, Store Officer and Senior Store Assistant(Group 'A' & 'B' Posts) | ||
52-53 | SRO 52-53 Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the Post of Sr. Administrative Assistant, Administrative Officer and Senior Accounts Officer-II | ||
72-73 | SRO 72-73 Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Joint Director (Accounts), Chief Accounts Officer and Accounts Officer | ||
66-67 | SRO 66-67 Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Director (Official Language, Group 'A' Post) and Senior Store Officer Grade-I | ||
61-64 | SRO 61-64 Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Chief Administrative Officer, Steno-I, Steno-II, Senior Private Secretary and Private Secretary | ||
57 | SRO 57 -Amendment of Recruitment Rules for Store Assistant A & B | ||
45 | SRO 45- Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Senior Private Secretary and SRO 46- Framing of recruitment rules for the post of Principal Private Secretary | ||
39-42 | SRO 39-42 - Amendment of RR for the post of Admin Assistant B and A Senior Admin Officer Grade-1, Senior Admin Officer Grade-II and Joint Dir (Admin) | ||
129 | SRO 129 - Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the Post of Administrative Officer in DRDO | ||
116 | SRO 116 - Change in composition of peer Committee (Estt officer from DOP&T substituted by Secretary DOP&T) | ||
35 | SRO 35 - Amendment of RRs for the Post of Store Officer of DRDO. | ||
40 | SRO 40 - Amendment of RRs for the Post of Senior Assistant (Hindi) and Assistant (Hindi) of DRDO. | ||
82 | Recruitment Amendment Rules | SRO 82 - Recruitment Amendment Rules.pdf(356.44 KB) | |
103 | Store Assistant 'A' (LDCE) | ||
103 | Store LDCE | SRO 103-Store LDCE.pdf(18.63 MB) | |
102 | SRO 102 - Amendment in nomenclature of SRO 11 dated 20 Dec 2013 | ||
95 | Vehicle LDCE | SRO 95-Vehicle LDCE.pdf(5.22 MB) | |
95 | Vehicle Operator A,B and C | ||
91 | Security LDCE | SRO 91-Security LDCE.pdf(1.44 MB) | |
90 | Deputy Programme Offcer, Assistant Programme Officer (Manpower, Finance, General), Junior Programme Officer (Coordination) | SRO 90 -DPO, APO, JPO.pdf(284.8 KB) | |
86,87 | Senior Private Secretary, Private Secretary & Stenographer Grade-I, Stenographer Grade-II | SRO 86, 87- SPS, PS&Steno (Grade-I&II).pdf(457.09 KB) | |
85 | Fireman LDCE | SRO 85-Fireman LDCE.pdf(1.33 MB) | |
85 | Fireman (LDCE) | SRO 85 - Fireman (LDCE).pdf(1.33 MB) | |
74 | Chief Security Officer, Senior Security Officer and Security Officer | SRO 74-CSO, SSO and SO.pdf(7.02 MB) | |
70 | State Superintendent | SRO 70 - State Superintendent.pdf(103.4 KB) | |
68 | Fire Engine Driver D | SRO 68 - Fire Engine Driver D.pdf(312.36 KB) | |
76 | DRTC | SRO 76-DRTC.pdf(204.03 KB) | |
48 | SRO 48 - Store Officer | SRO 48 - Store Officer(518.71 KB) | |
48 | Store Officer Cadre | SRO-48 for Store Officer Cadre.pdf(518.71 KB) | |
40 | Senior Administrative Officer Grade-1, Senior Administrative Officer Grade-2, Administrative Officer, Senior Administrative Assitant | SRO 40 -SAO(Grade-1&2),AO,SAA.pdf(2.28 MB) | |
68 | Station Officer, Leading Fireman and Fireman | ||
35 | Station Officer, Leading Fireman and Fireman | ||
33 | Senior Translator and Junior Translator | ||
29 | Joint Director and CAO | SRO-29 Joint Director and CAO.pdf(1.58 MB) | |
24 | Assistant 'A', Store Assistant 'B' | ||
28 | SRO 28 - Security Assistant ('A', 'B', 'C') | ||
27 | Security Assistant A,B, and C Recruitment Rule | ||
19 | Administrative Assistant 'A', AdmiMulti Tasking Staff | SRO 19 - Multi Tasking Staff.pdf(581.86 KB) | |
No 17,18,19&24 | Admin Assistant A, B and Store Assistant A and B and MTS post | ||
17,18 | Administrative Assistant 'A', Administrative Assistant 'B' | ||
02 | Fire Engine Driver A, B & C | ||
54 | Sr. Security Officer | SRO 54 - Sr. SO.pdf(1.05 MB) | |
02 | Estate Superintendent | SRO 02 - Estate Superintendent.pdf(1.06 MB) | |
03 | JD (Adm) & CAO | SRO 03 - JD (Adm) & CAO.pdf(1.06 MB) | |
12 | MTS Cadre | SRO 12 - MTS Cadre.pdf(64.4 KB) | |
08 | Estate Superintendent | SRO 08 - Estate Superintendent.pdf(319.62 KB) | |
37 | Senior Private Secretary, Private Secretary & Stenographer Grade-I | SRO 37 - SPS, PS & Steno Grade-I.pdf(151.94 KB) | |
12 | Additional Chief Construction Engineer | ||
05 | Chief Fire Officer, Deputy Divisional Fire Officer & Assistant Divisional Fire Officer | SRO 05 - CFO, DDFO & ADFO.pdf(82.97 KB) | |
65 | Admin Asstt | Non Gazetted(1.01 MB) | |
66 | Programme Officer | SRO 66 for Programme Officer.pdf(170 KB) | |
64 | Admin Asstt | Non Gazetted(1.01 MB) | |
37 | Admin Asstt A | ||
66 | Deputy Programme Officer (Manpower), Programme Officer (Manpower), Assistant Programme Officer (Finance), Assistant Programme Officer (General), Junior Programme Officer (Cooradination) | ||
65 | Admin Assitent B | SRO 65 for Admin Asstt B.pdf(170 KB) | |
53 | Joint Director(Admin) | SRO 53 for Joint Director (Admin)_0.pdf(743.63 KB) | |
53 | - | SRO 53_0_0.pdf(2.2 MB) | |
34 | Senior Assistant (Hindi) & Assistant (Hindi) | SRO 34-Sr. Asstt(Hindi)&Asstt(Hindi).pdf(84.52 KB) | |
35 | AMS-III | SRO 35 - AMS-III_23-may-2013.pdf(49.81 KB) | |
26 | Store Assistant ('A' & 'B') | SRO 26 - Store Assistant ('A' & 'B').pdf(84.11 KB) | |
12 | Admin Assitent A | SRO 12 Admin Asstt A_0.pdf(137.51 KB) | |
12 | Admin Assitent A | SRO 12 for Admin Assistant A.pdf(1.39 MB) | |
96 | Security Assistant ('A' , 'B' & 'C') | SRO 96-Security Assistant(A ,B&C).pdf(67.08 KB) | |
97 | Admin Cader | SRO 97 for Admin cadre.pdf(4.28 MB) | |
97 | SAO-I, SAO-II, AO and SAA | ||
94 | SSO ('I' & 'II'), SO & SSA | SRO 94 - SSO ('I' & 'II'), SO & SSA.pdf(103.05 KB) | |
68 | Fire Services Posts | Non-Gazetted(424.68 KB) | |
59 | Admin Asst B | SRO 59 for Admin Asstt B1.pdf(161.58 KB) | |
59 | Admin Asst 'B' | Non-Gazetted(350.8 KB) | |
59 | Admin Asst B | SRO 59 for Admin Asst B.pdf(885.89 KB) | |
39 | Admin Asst 'A' | SRO 39 (Admin Asstt A).pdf(428.48 KB) | |
No 39 | Admin Asst 'A' | Non-Gazetted(405.53 KB) | |
61 | Senior Accounts Grade-II | Group `A' Gazetted, Non Ministerial(239.44 KB) | |
99 | Hindi Officer | Group `B' Gazetted(366.94 KB) | |
34 | Administrative Assistant `A' | Group`C' Non Gazetted(164.48 KB) | |
119 | Office Attendant 'A', Office Attendant 'B', Office Attendant 'D', Cosmetic Attendant 'A', Cosmetic Attendant 'B', Cosmetic Attendant 'D', Security Attendant 'A', Security Attendant 'B', Security Attendant 'D', Garden Attendant 'A', Garden Attendant 'B', Garden Attendant 'D' | ||
14 | Senior Administrative Officer Gde-II, Senior Stores Officer Grade-II | Group `A' Gazetted, Ministerial(531.65 KB) | |
11 | Joint Director (Accounts), Chief Accounts Officer, Senior Accounts Officer Grade-I, Senior Accounts Officer Grade-II, Accounts Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer | ||
No 93 | Civilian Driver 'A', Civilian Driver 'B', Civilian Driver 'C', Civilian Driver 'D' | Group `C' Non Gazetted, Non Ministerial(515.69 KB) | |
171 | Senior Accounts Officer Grade-II | Group`A' Gazetted Non Ministerial(122.23 KB) | |
73 | Data Entry Operator | Group`C' Non Gazetted(46.91 KB) | |
298 | Civilian Security Officer ('I' & 'II') & Civilian Assistant Security Officer | SRO 298 -14-dec-2000.pdf(542.66 KB) | |
283 | Recruitment Rules, 2000 | SRO 283 - Recruitment Rules.pdf(1.31 MB) | |
132 | Joint Director Chief Accounts Officer(Accounts), Senior Accounts Officer Grade-I, Senior Accounts Officer Grade-II, Accounts Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer, Accountant | ||
120 | Administrative Officer | Group-`B' Gazetted, Non Ministerial(200.34 KB) | |
132 | Joint Director (Account), Chief Account Officer, Senior Account Officer (I & II), Account Officer, Assistant Account Officer, Accountant & Cashier | SRO 132 - 13-jul-1999.pdf(1.62 MB) | |
60 | Canteen Manager Gde-I, Canteen Manager Gde-II, Canteen Manager Gde-III, Cook, Canteen Attendant `B', Canteen Attendant `A' | ||
17E | Senior Supervisor `B' (GD), Senior Supervisor 'A' (GD) | Group `C' Non-Gazetted(220.26 KB) | |
12E | Personal Assistant '13', Personal Assistant 'A' | Group `C' Non-Gazetted(3.87 MB) | |
15E | Senior Security Assistant, Security Assistant `C', Security Assistant '13', Security Assistant 'A' | Group `C' Non-Gazetted(333.9 KB) | |
10E | Administrative Superintendent, Administrative Assistant 'C', Administrative Assistant `B', Administrative Assistant `A' | Group `C' Non-Gazetted(7.79 MB) | |
18E | Office Attendant 'B' | Group `C' Non-Gazetted(140.93 KB) | |
13E | Data Entry Operator `D', Data Entry Operator 'C', Data Entry Operator 'B', Data Entry Operator 'A' | Group `C' Non-Gazetted(315.96 KB) | |
16E | Senior Assistant (Hindi), Assistant (Hindi) | Group `C' Non-Gazetted(230.37 KB) | |
11E | Store Superintendent, Store Assistant 'C', Store Assistant `B', Store Assistant `A | Group `C' Non-Gazetted(164.48 KB) | |
19E | Office Attendant 'A', Office Attendant 'B', Office Attendant 'C', Office Attendant ‘D’, Cosmetic Attendant 'A', Cosmetic Attendant 'B', Cosmetic Attendant 'C', Cosmetic Attendant 'D', Security Attendant 'A', Security Attendant 'B', Security Attendant 'C', Security Attendant ‘D’, Garden Attendant 'A', Garden Attendant 'B', Garden Attendant 'C', Garden Attendant | Group `D' Non-Gazetted(571.21 KB) | |
14E | Fire Superintendent, Fire master, Fire Supervisor, Senior Fireman '1B', Senior Fireman 'A', Fireman Fire Engine Driver 'A', Fire Engine Driver 'B', Fire Engine Driver 'C' | Group `C' Non-Gazetted(747.45 KB) | |
167 | Estate Superintendent, Supervisor | SRO 167 -16-sept-1996.pdf(429.76 KB) | |
166 | (Group 'C' & 'D' Posts) Recruitment Rules | SRO 166 -16-sep-1996.pdf(390.06 KB) | |
53 | Data Entry Operator `E', Data Entry Operator `D', Data Entry Operator `C', Data Entry Operator `B', Data Entry Operator`A' | ||
142 | Data Entry Operator | Group`C Non Gazetted, Non Ministerial(241.49 KB) | |
145 | Joint Director (Administration) | Group `A' Gazetted Ministerial(441.49 KB) | |
02 | Motor Boat Engine Driver(I,II,III) | SRO 02 - 07-jan-1987.pdf(335.2 KB) |
SRO No. | Title | Date | Document(s) |
72 | SRO 72- Defence Research and Development Service(DRDS) Rules, 2023 | ||
45 | SRO 45 - Introduction of residency period of 03 years for promotion from Scientist ‘H’ to Distinguished Scientist | ||
102 | Amendment in nomenclature of SRO 11 dated 20 Dec 2013 | ||
53 | - | 53(1.05 MB) | |
52 | - | 52(1.05 MB) | |
53 | Revised method of assessment for promotion from Sc 'F' Sc 'G' | ||
33 | Promotion from Sc 'F' to Sc 'G' | Promotion from Sc 'F' to Sc 'G'(76.21 KB) | |
179 | Amendment in DRDS rules 1979 | Amendment in DRDS rules 1979(4.78 MB) | |
21 | promotion from sc 'F' to sc 'G' | promotion from sc 'F' to sc 'G'(249.48 KB) | |
21 | - | 21(249.48 KB) | |
11 | Campus recruitment of Sc 'B' | Campus recruitment of Sc 'B'(664.48 KB) | |
74 | DRDS(first amendment) rules 1992 | DRDS rules 1992(319.83 KB) | |
36 | Amendment in DRDS Rules 1979 | Amendment in DRDS Rules 1979(297.02 KB) | |
36 | - | 36(297.02 KB) | |
8 | - | 8(1.3 MB) | |
52 | Selection of Sc 'B' under Talent Search Scheme | ||
50 | - | 50(474.41 KB) | |
35 | Amendment in DRDS Rules 1979 | Amendment in DRDS Rules 1979(601 KB) | |
35 | - | 35(601 KB) | |
179 | - | 179(4.78 MB) | |
51 | - | 51(566.97 KB) | |
51 | Assessment eligibility for Sc 'B', Sc 'C', Sc 'D' and Sc 'E' | ||
119 | - | 119(533.47 KB) | |
119 | Amendment in DRDS Rules 1979 | Amendment in DRDS Rules 1979(533.47 KB) | |
08 | DRDS Rules, 1979 (amendments incorporated upto Oct 2008) | DRDS Rules, 1979(1.3 MB) | |
100 | Recruitment of Sc 'B' | Recruitment of Sc 'B'(264.52 KB) | |
100 | - | 100(264.52 KB) | |
33 | - | 33(312.67 KB) | |
33 | Amendment in DRDS Rules 1979 | Amendment in DRDS Rules 1979(312.67 KB) | |
146 | DRDS(third amendment) rules 1991 | DRDS(third amendment) rules 1991(311.75 KB) | |
34 | Assessment of Sc 'B', Sc 'C', Sc 'D' and Sc 'E' | ||
34 | - | 34(12.29 MB) | |
157 | Scientist appointed to the post of Sc 'C' and above to be entitled for benefits of added years of service for pension etc | ||
157 | - | 157(389.95 KB) | |
125 | - | 125(319.83 KB) | |
125 | Recruitment Provision of Sc 'B' | Recruitment Provision of Sc 'B'(319.83 KB) | |
74 | - | 74(272.63 KB) | |
146 | - | 146(311.75 KB) | |
74 | Amendment in DRDS rules 1979 for probation or any extension | ||
74 | - | 74(241.48 KB) | |
33 | - | 33(473.45 KB) | |
33 | Recruitment of Sc 'B' | Recruitment of Sc 'B'(473.45 KB) | |
33 | Promotion from Sc 'F' to Sc 'G' | Promotion from Sc 'F' to Sc 'G'(473.45 KB) | |
1 | Recruitment of Sc 'B' | Recruitment of Sc 'B'(227.85 KB) | |
1 | - | 1(227.85 KB) | |
11 | E | E(358.26 KB) | |
328 | Recruitment of Sc 'B' | Recruitment of Sc 'B'(695.79 KB) | |
328 | - | 328(695.79 KB) | |
158 | - | 158(7.19 MB) | |
228 | - | 228(3.76 MB) | |
186 | - | 186(442.14 KB) | |
186 | Amendment in DRDS Rules | Amendment in DRDS Rules(442.14 KB) | |
186 | Date of promotion of Sc 'F' and 'G' and amendment with regard to UPSC; Constitution of Assessment Boards etc | ||
170 | - | 170(352.66 KB) | |
170 | Amendment in DRDS rules 1979 for the post of Sc 'B', Sc 'C',Sc 'D', Sc 'E',Sc 'F', and Sc'G' | ||
228 | Sc 'C' and above entitle to the benefit superannuation pension | ||
228 | - | 228(463.29 KB) | |
228 | Amendment in DRDS Rules 1979 for the post of Sc 'F' and above etc | ||
176 | - | 176(803.07 KB) | |
176 | Convening of Assessment Board, eligibility for Assessment etc | ||
159 | - | 159(305.85 KB) | |
196 | - | 196(740.89 KB) | |
196 | Convening of Assessment Board | Convening of Assessment Board(740.89 KB) | |
307 | - | 307(332.27 KB) | |
8 | - | 8(1.37 MB) | |
8 | SRO 8 - The DRDS Rules 1979 (Amendment upto July 1999) | ||
08 | SRO 08 - DRDS Rules, 1979 (amendments incorporated upto Oct 2008) | ||
08 | DRDS Rules 1978 | DRDS Rules 1978(919.28 KB) | |
8 | The DRDS Rules 1979(amendment_up_to_1999) | The DRDS Rules 1979(1.37 MB) | |
51 | - | 51(562.77 KB) | |
148 | - | 148(1013.38 KB) |
SRO No. | Title | Date | Document(s) |
37 | SRO 37- Amendment of SRO 296/2000 with regard to QR of STA 'B' | ||
36 | SRO 36 - Modification QR for the post of Technician 'A'. | ||
76 | - | 76(204.03 KB) | |
12 | - | 12(350.86 KB) | |
70 | Technical Assistant 'A' to be changed to Technical Officer 'A' | ||
13 | Revision of Pay Scales as per VIth CPC Percentage Stipulation for Promotion to each Grade | ||
33 | - | 33(126.77 KB) | |
145 | - | 145(262.71 KB) | |
147 | Higher Qualification Not allowed for Recruitment | ||
50 | Reasons for Relaxation of 03 Months Granted for Assessment to be recorded in writing | ||
296 | - | 296(415.6 KB) | |
190 | - | 190(2.82 MB) | |
77 | - | 77(217.83 KB) | |
99 | - | 99(152.93 KB) | |
141 | - | 141(3.13 MB) | |
177 | - | 177(18.63 MB) | |
190 | Inter-se Seniority for the Post of Chief Draughtsman |