DRDO Industry Academia Centres of Excellence (DIA-CoEs)

DFTM Invites research proposals from Academia

DRDO establishes DIA-CoE at premier and capable academic Institutes and Universities in the country to build Directed Research Eco-system through collaboration among DRDO labs, Academia and Startups/Industries. DIA-CoEs will pursue research both in developing the cutting-edge technologies and in the areas of denied defence technologies.

The primary aim of establishing such DIA-CoEs is to harness & synergize the combined strength of academia, student community, research fellows, niche technology industries & DRDO scientist to provide impetus to research & innovations in identified futuristic defence technological domains. These DIA-CoEs will boost & sustain development of advanced technologies for future defence systems and platforms through multi-disciplinary & multi-institutional collaborative efforts. DRDO has established 15 Nos. of DIA-CoEs so far. Following are the research verticals of these CoEs:

University of Hyderabad
Email: sc_bhattacharyya[at]uohyd[dot]ac[dot]in
Gujrat University
Email: vmpadhiar[at]gujaratuniversity[dot]ac[dot]in
DRDO Industry Academia Centre of Excellence, 
Central University of Jammu (DIA-KCoE, CUJ)
Email: director[dot]kcst[at]cujammu[dot]ac[dot]in
Email: tapash[dot]dia[hyphen]coe[at]itbhu[dot]ac[dot]in
IIT Jodhpur
Email: director[at]dia-coe.iitj[dot]ac[dot]in


Project Proposal Checklist

Project Proposal Form - Download


S.NoForm NoTitleSubmission Schedule
(Mandatory Requirements)
1Form 1*Summary of Proposal – Basic InformationPre TEC
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
2Form 2*Technical BriefPre TEC
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
3Form 3ALab Recommendation (Initial)Pre TEC
 Form 3BLab Recommendation (Final)Post GC
4Form 4*Extended Technical DetailsPre TEC
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
5Form 5A*Detailed Cost BreakupPre TEC
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
 Form 5BManpower Detailed JustificationPre RAB
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
Pre GC & Post GC
 Form 5CEquipment Details
 Form 5DDetails of Expendables
 Form 5EDetails of Procured Services
 Form 5FCost Estimation for ExpendablesPost GC / Final Proposal
 Form 5GCost Estimation for Research Staff
 Form 5HCost Estimation for Proposed Equipment
 Form 5ICost Estimation for Contingency
 Form 5JCost Estimation for Travel
6Form 6API Details Multiple 6A’s can be submitted one for each PI
 Form 6BIndustry/ Startup Co-PI Details Multiple 6B’s can be submitted one for each industry
7Form 7A*Certificate of Project Submission
 Form 7B*Cost Reasonability Certificate
 Form 7C*HRA Certificate
 Form 7D*Certificate of Commercial Use
 Form 7E*Life Sciences Project Certificate


DFTM Invites research proposals from Academia


Other Forms

*For financial sanction the forms to be countersigned by Administrative Authority as nominated by head of Institute at final submission
Abbreviations: Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC), Governing Council (GC), Research Advisory Board (RAB),
Principal Investigator (PI), Non-Resident Indian (NRI), Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI)

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