S. No.Centre NameResearch VerticalsThrust Areas
12DIA-COE, IIT Jodhpur1.  Applications of Advanced Technologies for Desert Warfare (ATDW)1. Polymer and Prefab based Rapid Construction Technology for Desert Terrain
   2. Desert Solider: Thermal and Hydration Management
   3. Imagery Intelligence for Desert Terrain.
   4. Exploitation of Flexible Solar Cells and Electronics for Desert Terrain
   5. Unconventional Energy Harvesting in Desert
   6. Real Time Environment Change Monitoring for Combat Effectiveness
   7. PCM based Cooling Technology
   8. Terrain Simulation and Terrain Modelling for Navigation, Concealing and Traversal
  2. Futuristic Omni Mobility Drones (OMD)1. Air-Land, Land-Water Amphibious Drones
   2. Difficult Terrain Mobility (Hard Ground, Soft Sand and Rocky)
   3. Drones for High Altitude Mountain Areas
  3.  AI For Information Warfare and War Gaming Technologies (AIWG)1. Design and Assessment of Collaborative Agents
   2. Wargaming With UAV Swarm
   3. Decision Support Techniques for War Games
   4. Automatic Iterative Adversarial Model Improvement in War Gaming
   5. Modelling of Non-Contact Warfare and its Impact on Contact Warfare
   6. Non-Text Man-Machine Interface for War Gaming
   7. Post-Game Data Analysis for Doctrine and Player Assessment
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