Governance Mechanism
A 3-tier governance framework for the projects is established. Figures of Merit (FoMs) have been introduced for project to ensure effective technical reviews. These quantitative measures allow for the assessment of project performance against intended research targets, enabling project teams to identify areas of focus, follow data-driven directions, and achieve technology growth.
Technical governance of projects is implemented as a 3 tier mechanism of Technical  Evaluation Committee (TEC), Research Advisory Board (RAB) and Governing Council (GC).

First level review is done by TEC, which comprises of experts from the technical domains from scientific, academic as well as industry as per project scope. The chairman of each TEC is vertical domain specialist. TEC ensures the technical soundness of research proposals.

RAB is co-chaired by DG TM and Dean R&D to ensure the project orientation towards aim of defence technology development, optimize the project related equipment infrastructure and alignment of test faclity support. RAB ensures alignment of research projects for defence technology.

GC is co-chaired by Secretary DDR&D and Chairman DRDO and Director/VC of the institute for ensuring overall technology growth as per roadmap, performance of projects and centre performance. GC approves the projects and allocates resources based on optimized utilization. Together, these bodies form a robust governance framework that ensures the quality and relevance of research initiatives.

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