The history of the Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR) goes back to the pre-independence era of 1943 when it was established as an Experimental Board at Dehradun for selection of Indian Officers in Armed Forces through psychological techniques. Post-independence on August 29, 1949, Psychological Research Wing (PRW) was established in Delhi under Defence Science Organization. PRW made a significant contribution in various areas related to armed forces and earned appreciation from the services headquarters and the Defence Ministry. Consequent to this PRW was expanded with a scope and designated as Directorate of Psychological Research (DPR) on June 28, 1962. In 1962, the sanctioned strength of civil and military establishment came into effect. During the same year, Applied Psychological Laboratory (APL) was established as its lower formation. Naval Psychological Research Unit (NPRU) at Kochi which had been established in December 1956 under Defence Science Laboratory (DSL) was made a part of APL in 1962. APL and NPRU were merged into Directorate of Psychological Research (DPR) on 26th August 1967. Directorate of Psychological Research (DPR) grew into a full-fledged independent Institute and was designated as the Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR) in October 1982.