Shri Durbha Venkateshwarlu received Scientist of the Year Award - 1998
Shri M. Nanjundeswar, Received Best Technical Performance Award - 2001
Smt. Usha R, is received Best Technical Performance Award - 2004
DRDO Award for Performance Excellence for Tarang - 2007
Shri Lokesha BN received Young Scientist of the Year Award - 2007
Mr. P M Soundar Rajan Received Performance Excellence Award - 2008
Shri Shrinath Bhat received Young Scientist of the Year Award - 2008
Dr. U K Revankar received Best Performance Award - 2009
Shri K B Venkataraman Received Scientist of the Year Award - 2009
Smt. Priya Suresh NReceived Young Scientist of the Year Award - 2009
Shri Channamadev C, Received National Award for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities - 2010
Shri M Prakash received Best Technical Performance Award - 2010
Dr. K Maheswara Reddyreceived Scientist of the Year Award - 2010
Shri V Desikan, received Scientist of the Year Award - 1983
Shri RP Ramlingam, received Scientist of the Year Award - 1985
ASIEO (Currently CASDIC) was awarded the Silicon Trophy of DRDO - 1986
ASIEO (Currently CASDIC) was awarded the Titanium Trophy of DRDO - 1995
Project TEMPEST Team was awarded Performance Excellence award for the year 1998
Shri RP Ramlingam and his team was awarded the Agni Award for Excellence– 2003
Shri Pramod Kumar, SC ‘D’ received Young Scientist Award- 2018
Shri S Manimaran, PA ‘C’ received Best Performance Award - 2014
Shri Mallikarajuna, SC ‘C’ received Young Scientist Award- 2015