Sanitizing mats for shoes and car

  • Shoes have high potential of spreading virus from one place to another. In COVID wards 65% of shoes are found to be infected by Corona Virus. Similarly car tyres can also be potentially highly infective.
  • INMAS, Delhi has innovated to prevent the spread of corona virus through shoes and car tyres. This solution is based on PVC Mat with threading to retain the moisture. Artificial grass is the second choice. Rubber & Coir mats are not suitable.
  • 150ppm sodium hypochlorite gel used as the disinfectant has advantages of enhanced stability, better moisture retention and non-chlorine composition. This leaves minimum footprint which can be wiped off easily. For cars 200ppm solution can be used.
  • Continuing bacteriology tests has shown 2-log scale kill effect and is safer to handle compared to alternative solutions.
  • Operating precaution - It is recommended that gel should be stored in glass/HDPE grade plastic bottles. 50ml gel is to be applied per sqft using gloves and hands to be washed immediately after handling the gel. One application is applicable for 15 cars/two hours. The mats may require running water wash every 2 hours.
  • No damage is observed to shoes or tyres for 20 hrs dip
  • Sunlight may decrease the efficacy
  • These can be deployed at the entrance of main office buildings, door of office rooms, rooms frequented by crowds like cafeteria and meeting Rooms, home entrances.

Detailed instructions on usePdf 35 KB

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