While applying for the grant, the concerned institution would forward five ink signed hard copies of the application in prescribed form (Form 1 476 KB) to the Member Secretary, with a certificate that basic necessary facilities for the work and also the necessary competence as evidence of the existence of the staff with the relevant technical back-ground are available. The soft copy of the same proposal shall be forwarded to Member Secretary, LSRB through email to lsrb[at]hqr[dot]drdo[dot]. The responsibility to ascertain this capability will rest with the appropriate specialist panel. Projects may be handled by more than one investigator in which case one of them shall act as the principal investigator.
Procedure of Grant
Procedure for Sanction of Project
Research and development projects to be farmed out under this scheme originate as follows:
- Projects of interest to national needs (particularly to Defence requirements) formulated by the LSRB are referred to universities/research institutions/industry etc.
- Proposals for research, development in life sciences and allied area submitted by the universities/ research institutions/industry etc.
All proposals will be referred to the appropriate specialist panel of the LSRB. In the case of projects/schemes for which no single specialist panel can be identified, the Secretary will make alternative arrangements for formation of an adhoc committee/special panel consisting of at least 4 specialists including co-ordinators/ members of panels. For all practical purposes this adhoc committee will be considered as a specialist panel.
Based on the recommendations of the Panel, the proposals will be put up to LSRB for decision. For LSRB approved cases the Member Secretary, LSRB would issue sanction letters.
Re-appropriation of funds between different heads manpower, equipment, contingency etc. without increase in the overall cost of the project and revision of cost and PDC to be done by respective authorities.
Projects will be sanctioned for the entire projected period along with the total estimated cost with the year- wise break down. The grant shall, however, be payable yearly. The universities, institutions etc., will be responsible for the administration of the scheme and maintenance of separate accounts etc. The grant shall be exclusively utilized for the purpose for which it is sanctioned. Funds for subsequent years will be released on satisfactory progress based on the recommendations of the appropriate panel & on the production of (i) annual progress report (given in the Form-02 75 KB) and (ii) Statement of Accounts and (iii) Utilization Certificate (given in the Form-09
126 KB) certified by the competent authority of the institution. The LSRB reserves the right of termination of the grant at any stage if grant is not properly utilized or progress is inadequate. Request for extension of PDC and cost over-run should be sent to LSRB through the concerned Panel Coordinator All accounts maintained by the university/institute will be subject to audit by the university/institute auditors. On termination of the project, simple statement of account duly certified by the competent authority of the host institution shall be submitted and the unspent balance, if any, in the funds sanctioned will be refunded to the CDA(R&D), New Delhi and demand draft to be forwarded to Member Secretary, LSRB. However the accounts will be finally closed only on receipt of the copy duly audited by the auditors for the host institution.
The project would be deemed to have become operative with effect from the date of the sanction letter.
During the progress of the project, the institution concerned will provide all facilities to the scientists of the Research and Development Organisation/members of the specialist panels of the LSRB for visiting the institute for ensuring timely achievements of the objectives of the project. The investigator(s) may visit appropriate R&D establishment within the country for consultations, seminar/symposia etc. provided such visits are of direct relevance to the project and within the sanctioned amount under TA/DA head. TA/DA would be regulated as per his/her normal entitlement within the institution. Such visits will be reported in the annual progress report of the project submitted to Secretary, LSRB.
Evaluation of products/processes developed under Grants-in-Aid projects will be carried out by the appropriate specialist panel or monitors appointed by concerned panel of LSRB. The TA/DA expenses of the specialists' panel/monitors will be paid by the host institution from the project grant.
Continuation of the projects beyond the original sanctioned period will be permitted only under exceptional circumstances, after due evaluation of the work done and justification for extension.
The grant may be revoked in whole or in part at any time by LSRB.
Once a project is sanctioned to an institution, the head of the institution would be the financial controlling authority for operating the grant.
Procedure for Sanction for Conduct of Seminars/Symposia/Presentation etc.
LSRB will also receive proposals for financial support for conduct of seminar/symposia/presentation etc. as per requirement of the project. Proposals in this regard will be submitted by the Principal Investigator in the prescribed form (Form-04) to Secretary, LSRB at least 3 months in advance but 6 months in advance if foreign experts are to be invited.
On receipt of the proposal which should be submitted in 02 copies, the Secretariat of the Board will scrutinies the proposal in consultation with the Specialist's Panel. Based on the recommendations of the panel, sanction will be accorded by Secretary, LSRB . On conclusion of the proposed seminar/symposia the organisers will render a comprehensive report including the technical documents related to the concerned activity and submit to Secretary, LSRB, a statement of expenditure duly certified for its correctness by executive authority of the institute concerned within one month after conclusion of seminar/symposia etc. Subsequently copy of the accounts audited by the auditors of the host institution, will be submitted. Procedure for Grants-in-Aid for inviting Eminent Scientists / technologists from abroad to attend conferences/symposia/workshop etc. in India
3. The proposal in 02 copies should be forwarded to Secretary LSRB complete with all information as stipulated in Form-04 (108 KB). The proposal should bring out the professional background of the invitee & his contributions/achievements in the field of the concerned LSRB project area for which the seminar etc. is being organized. The relevance of the invitation to the project in hand should be brought out clearly. In case any visit to a DRDO lab/establishment is also envisaged this should be specifically stated so as to ensure clearance from security considerations. After conduction of seminar / conference etc. the Utilization Certificate given in the Form-04
(108 KB) needs to be submitted to this office.
Procedure for Sanction of Grants-in-Aid for Deputation Abroad
LSRB will receive proposals for Grants-in-Aid for meeting the cost of deputation of Life Sciences scientists abroad for presenting papers in international symposia based on the work done in the project and for visit to advanced Life Sciences R&D facilities relevant to the project in hand. Ten copies of the proposal as per Form 5 (10 KB) in this regard will be submitted by the institution concerned, to the Secretary at least 3 months in advance.
The proposals for deputation abroad would be approved by Secretary, DD R&D and Chairman, DRDO, based on the recommendation of Specialists' panel and Member Secretary LSRB in consultation with Integrated Finance.