What is Industry Partner Registration?

Industry Partner Registration is an online platform for sellers/service providers who want to sell or provide services in DRDO labs/estts or DRDO Headquarter. Industry Partner can register its company in DRDO to sell or provide services through this online platform. This Industry Partner registration certificate enables industries to participate in Limited tender bidding process.

How to register and login in Industry Partner module?

Goto https://drdo.gov.in Click on Procurement Module icon, after that Click on Industry Partner Registration and click on Login. In case of new user, click on Signup to create account.

How to apply for Industry Partner registration?

First, Industry Partner has to login into the platform and then click on “New Industry Partner Registration Request”. A new form will appear. User can fill the form and upload all necessary documents.

Is there any fee for Industry Partner registration?

Yes, there is Rs. 500/- non-returnable fee for each form submission. Industry Partner can select multiple services to provide to DRDO in the form.

How to pay fee?

Fee will be paid through e-MRO (SBI portal). Detailed instructions available when you pay fee in the portal. In any case this fee will be non refundable.

How Industry Partner verification is done?

The Industry Partner will itself upload bank verification, police verification report in the portal. The reports will be cross verified by concerned lab. At any point of time Lab may ask concerned industry to produce original documents. Hence it is advised that industry seeking registration as partner should keep all documents and verification letters ready at the time of filling of online application form.

What is timeline to get Industry Partner registration certificate?

The Industry Partner will receive computer generated (NO ink signed required) Industry Partner registration certificate within 15 days of submission of application. In case of rejection Firm shall be communicated via email.

What if, the Industry Partner does not get certificate within 15 days?

The Industry Partner will get temporary registration certificate after completion of 15 days from the date of online submission of full application form. This can be downloaded by the Firm seeking registration from their account on DRDO website.

What is the validity of Industry Partner registration certificate?

Validity of certificate is 03 years from the date of issue.

How the Industry Partner will get registration certificate?

Registration Certificate can be downloaded by the Firm seeking registration from their account on DRDO website.

What to do if Industry Partner who have already registered with any Lab of DRDO using offline mode and still holds valid registration certificate?

Such Industry need not to register again till the time such certificate is valid. Once certificate is about to expire they can apply online through this portal.

In which Lab should Industry register?

Industry can choose any lab for registration. However, this single certificate will be accepted across DRDO. Here selection of Lab is only limited to verification and processing of documents by lab.

What, In case Industry Partner do not wish to select any particular lab?

In such case while filling the application form online, Industry can select DRDO in General (No Specific lab). Such application will be forwarded to appropriate lab automatically for verification and documentation.

Whom to contact if any query?

Director DFMM, DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011 may be contacted for any query. Email id :  dir-dfmm[dot]hqr[at]gov[dot]in In all communications please mention your unique application id.

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