Swine Flu H1N1 Nu-LAMP Kit
Technology Cluster
Nulamp is an isothermal gene amplification assay for detection of swine flu (H1N1-2009 outbreak) specific RNA in clinical specimen collected using thorat swabs.
Swine flu virus H1 gene specific RTLAMP assay developed by DRDO is a single tube method and thus very cost effective as compared to WHO approved CDC recommended real-time RT-PCR test system.
One of the most attractive features of this isothermal gene amplification assay seems to have great advantage in term of monitoring of amplification that can be accomplish by SYBR green I dye mediated naked eye visualization.
Intended Use:
This kit is intended for genomic detection of H1 gene of the novel swine flu virus in the acute phase human patient throat swab samples.
ToT to M/s RAS Life Science, Hyderabad and M/s Bigtek, Banglore
Current Status:
Successful translation of SwineFlu RT LAMP detection technology (Nu-LAMP H1N1) from laboratory to industry with ICMR recommendation and DCGI approval for commercialization.