Scientific Analysis Group (SAG) - Achievements

Development of many Software Packages based on advanced mathematical techniques such as

  • Boolean function
  • Binary sequence
  • Algebraic concepts - Universal algebra and finite fields
  • Artificial Intelligence & ANN
  • Pattern Recognition and Clustering
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Development of tools and techniques for speech recognition, coding and digital/analog speech analysis.
  • Designing and development of electronic hardware and PC based cards for communication .
  • Creation of Infrastructure - H/V/UHF and microwave communication and analysis post.

Development of Cyber Security Tools

  • USB-Authorization Controller Engine (USB-ACE)
  • Secure File/Folder Deletion Tool (SWIPE)
  • Automated File Integrity Testing Tool (AFITT)
  • Development of tools for Malware Analysis
  • Development of framework for Network Security Assessment

Research Papers

Year 2009

AuthorsTitlePresented / Published in
Kamini Malhotra  Anu KhoslaGMM based Identification of Regional Indian Languages from Spoken Utterances4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
PK Saxena Pratibha Yadav, Girish MishraIndex of Gabledness for Automatic Identification of Plain English TextsDefence Science Journal
MK DubeyA note on Quasi k-ideals and Bi k-ideals in Ternary Semi ringsItalian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Ram RatanKey Independent Retrieval of Chaotic Encrypted ImagesInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence(PReMI)  PReMI 2009, LNCS 5909, pp 483-488
Mahesh ChanderA review on Green Buildings in Indian PerspectiveSilver Jubilee Souvenir of CCE Secunderbad

Year 2010

AuthorsTitlePresented / Published in
Ram RatanRetrieval of Graphically Encrypted ImagesPacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2010
Girish Mishra   Sohan Lal Nitharwal Sarvjeet KaurLanguage Identification using Fuzzy - SVM TechniqueInternational Conference on Computing, Communication & Network Technologies
Indivar Gupta  Dr. PK SaxenaDistributed Signcryption Schemes from PairingInternational Conference
SK Bhambri  Manish Kant DubeyExact, Proper Exact Sequences and Projective SemimodulesInternational Journal of Algebra
Manoj Kumar,  Pratibha Yadav , MeenaKumariFlaws in Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round PRESENTCryptology ePrint Archive
Indivar Gupta,  PK SaxenaDistributed Signcryption from PairingIWSEC 2010, Kobe, Japan
SK Pal,  Shivam KapoorSecuring Digital Information using QuasigroupsIJCNS - 2010
SK Bhambri,  Manish Kant DubeyOn Commutative Diagrams of semimodules and k-projective semimodulesJournal of the Indian Mathematical Society
MK DubeyA Note on P-regular semiringsItalian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
SK Pal Akanksha Jaiswal & Vibhanshu ChamoliQuasigroup based Design of New Cryptography SchemesICMS-2010
Rajan Gupta & SK PalKey based Multimedia Encryption using Fibonacci TransformICMSA-2010
Rajan Gupta, Ankur Aggarwal & SK Pal A New Secure and Efficient Multimedia Encryption SchemeNCETCS - 2010
Navin Ketu & SK PalHomomorphic Encryption SchemesICM-2010
Nisha Goyal, Pallavi Nanda & SK PalHard Problems in Lattice Based CryptographyICWM-2010
Nisha Goyal, Pallavi Nanda & SK PalConstruction of Lattice based Cryptographic SchemesICM-2010
Navin Ketu & SK PalElliptic Curve based Homomorphic EncryptionICM-2010
Rajan Gupta & SK PalProperties of Cryptographic Applications of Fibonacci NumbersICM-2010
SK Pal  Ravish Kumar & Dhruvesh KumarPublic Key Cryptography using Multiple Hard ProblemsICM-2010
SK Pal &Umesh KumarProperties & Applications of Non-Polynomial Latin SquaresICM-2010
SK Pal  Shivam Kapoor  Alka Arora, Reshu Chaudhary &Jatin KhuranaDesign of Strong Cryptographic Schemes based on Latin SquaresJDMS&C
Badal Saxena & SK PalSome New Concepts in Fuzzy ArithmeticJDMS&C
SK Pal  Sarvesh Kumar  Sarvajeet Kumar & Mukesh VaidyaA Framework for Secure Communication using Hindi for Web based Mobile ApplicationsTSI Conference - 2010
S Dhall & SK PalDesign of a New Block Cipher based on Conditional EncryptionISISP - 2010
SK Pal  Deekshita Bisht & AmolChandlaDesign & Analysis of Scalable Encryption Schemes for MultimeidaInnovations and Advances in Communications Information and Network Security, Macmillan Advanced research Series 2010
Rajan Gupta, Ankur Aggarwal & SK PalNew Shuffle Encrytpion Schemes for Scrambling digital Images 
Adhar Mittal & SK PalAttacks on chaos based Encryption Schemes 
SK Pal  Rajeev Khandelwal & Manish NandalDesign of Probabilistic Encryption AlgorithmsAMS WS on Probability & Stats, Princeton New Jersey
SK Pal  AkankshaJaiswal & VibhanshuChamoliNew Quasigroup Generation Schemes for Cryptographic ApplicationsICC - 2010
Girish Mishra  Sarvjeet Kaur & Anil UppalBreaking Hill Cipher using a New Scoring SchemeCryptologia
RichaTyagi & SuniataMaithaniA Hybrid Speech Enhancement System based on Wavelet Denoising13th Oriental COCOSDA 2010
N Rajesh Pillai, SS Bedi, Sanjay Kumar, Roopika ChaudharyRelation for Algebraic Attack on E0 Combinereprint: Digital Cryptology Archieve, Paper No. 129 in 2010

Year 2011

AuthorsTitlePresented / Published in
Ram RatanLightweight Image Encryption Method using Inversion and Circular Shift SchemesLightSec-2011
Gurjit Singh Walia Gajraj Kuldeep  AK Sharma  Rajiv KapoorAn overview - FPGA Based Secure SystemAdvanced Communication Systems and Design Techniques, Haldia, WB
PR Mishra  Indivar Gupta  NR PillaiGeneralised Avalanche Test for Stream Cipher AnalysisInternational Conference on Inforsec Hicom Net 2011
Yogesh Kumar Lather, N. Rajesh PillaiCryptanalysis of Bean a lightweight Stream CipherSecurity of Information and Networks
Manish Kant Dubey  AnuradhaOn (m,pq),n)-Quasi-ideals in Ternary SemiringsInternational Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Arbind Kumar SinghEfficient End Point Detection of a Spoken Word Recognition SystemInternational Journal of Computer Science and System Analysis
Dhananjoy Dey, Noopur Shrotriya, Indranath SenguptaR-Hash Function using Random Polynomials over GF(2)Journal of Systems and Software
Yogesh KumarAlgebraic Attack on BEAN - a Lightweight Stream Cipher4th International Conference on Security of Information Networks
Ram RatanSecuring Images using Inversion & ShiftingInternational Conference on Advances in Communication & Information Technology
Gurjit Singh Walia Gajraj Kuldeep Ajaj Singh, Rajiv KapoorAn effective model for earlier Detection of Fire in Video Sequences using Color Statistical ModelInternational Conference of Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and Remote Sensing
Manish Kant DubeyOn minimal Bi-ideal in Ternary SemiringsInternational Jouranal of Algebra, Vol 6, 2012, no. 1,15-22
Arbind Kumar Singh, BM SuriAutomatic Detection of Push Peak from Acoustic Emanation of a Keyboard sing Majority VotingInternational Conference on Signal Image and Video Processing (ICSIVP - 2012)
Maiya Din, AK BhatejaImpact of changing Dimensions of population in Developing IndiaDemographic Dividend of India
Ram RatanNecessity of Appropriate Handling of Challenging Issues in Addition to Demographic Dividend for Developing IndiaDemographic Dividend of India
Saibal K Pal, Akanksha Jaiswal &VibhanshuChamoliQuasigroup Based Design of New Cryptographic SchemesAryabhatt Journal of Mathematics & Informatics, Vol 3, No. 2, Jul - Dec 2011, pp 277 - 294
JitinLuthra&Saibal K PalA Hybrid Firefly Algorithm using Genetic Operators for Cryptanalysis of Mon-alphabetic Substitution cipherProceedings of the World Congress on Information &Communication Technologies, 2011, pp 202 - 206.
Rajan Gupta & Saibal K PalKey based Multimedia Encryption using Fibonacci TransformProceedings of the international Congress on Producttivity, Quality, Relability, Oprimization and Modeling (ICPQROM-2011)
A Singh & Saibal K PalHybrid Computational Intelligence Techniques in Intrusion Detection and Prevention SystemInternational Journal of Elecronics & Computers, Vol 3, No.1, 2011, pp - 25-31
Saibal K Pal &PuneetSardanaEnterprise Cloud Computing in India : Challenges & Practical SolutionsPublished in the book - IT for Business Excellence, Macmillan Advanced Research Series, Macmillan Publishers 2012, pp197-207
Saibal K Pal, Disha Gupta & Priyanka KochharDesign and Implementation of Smart Home Security Schemes.Published in the book - IT for Business Excellence, Macmillan Advanced Research Series, Macmillan Publishers 2012, pp 232-246
Saibal K Pal , Trina Dey & Shruti KambojWeb 2.0 based Enterprise Solutions, Published in the bookIT for Business Excellence, Macmillan Advanced Research Series, Macmillan Publisher, 2012, pp 247-262
Rajan Gupta, Saibal K Pal & Pooja GuptaAn Efficient and Secure Chaotic Encryption Scheme for MultimediaProceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Modelling, Optimization and computing (AMOC-2011), IIT Roorkee, pp 990-999
Saibal K Pal, D Upadhyay& NitinDesign of Practical & Efficient Homomorphic Encryption Schemes.Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Modelling, Optimization and computing (AMOC-2011), IIT Roorkee, Dec 2011
Anjali Arora &Saibal K PalDesign & Analysis of Tweak able Block CiphersNational Workshop on Cryptology, CD Proceedings, Neemrana, Nov 2011
Dhananjoy Dey, Prasanna R Mishra, Indranath SenguptaHF-hash: Hash Functions using Restricted HFE Challenge -1International Journal of Advanced Science & Technology

Year 2012

AuthorsTitlePresented / Published in
Manish Kant Dubey  AnuradhaOn (m,(p,q),n) bi-ideals in Ternary SemiringsLobachevskii Journal of Mathematics (Springer)
Gurjit Singh Walia, GajrajKuldeep, Rajiv Kapoor, AK Sharma, NavneetGabaFPGA Based Secure System Design - an overviewInternational Journal of Soft computing and Engineering, ISSN:2231-2307, vol - 1, issue -6
Manish Kant DubeyOn minimal Bi-ideal in Ternary SemiringsInternational Journal of Algebra, Vol 6, 2012, No. 1,15 - 22
Anand Sharma, AK SharmaAnalysis of Enhanced CCK Modulation for Multipath Interference under Multi-user EnvironmentInternational Journal of Communications Network and system Sciences
Rajiv Kapoor, Gurjit Singh Walia, Imran Arshad, Monika TomarParticle Filter Based on Biogeography Based Optimization for Non-linear State Estimation8th IEEE Colloquium of Signal Processing & Its Applications, Published by International Conference on Information, Computing & Telecommunications)
Dhananjoy Dey, PR Mishra, Indranath SenguptaGB-Hash Functions using Groebner BasisInternational Journal of Modern Engineering research (IJMER), Vol 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2012, pp 462-470
Gurpreet Kaur, Viydyavati S Nayak, Dhananjoy Dey, Saibal K PalModified Grostl: An Efficient Hash Function,CSIA - 2012, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Book Series, Springer
Vinay Verma, Rajeev ThamanSecure Coding Practices for Information SecurityCyber Security Workshop, DIAT Pune
Rachita Juneja, Vinod KumarQuorum based Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithms in Mobile NetworksInternational Journal of Computer Applications
Manish Kant DubeyPrime and Weakly Prime Ideals in Semirings, Quasigroups and related SystemsInternational Journal
Gurpreet Kaur, Viydyavati S Nayak, DhananjoyDey, Saibal K PalAnalysis of the Hash Functions - Modified GrostlInternational Journal of Computer Applications, Vol 44, No. 21, May 2012
GS Gupta,  Prof Tapash GhoshalUp Against the Odds - Successful Implementation of a project in a Govt R&D Orgn. : A case Study"GROWTH" Journal of Management Training Institute, SAIL, Ranchi, Jan-Mar 2013 issue,  pp 43 - 52
AK Bhateja,  Maiya DinANN Based Distinguishing Attack on RC 4 Stream CipherInternational Conference on Bio-Implied Computing (BICTA) -2012
Manoj Kumar, Saibal K Pal, Pratibha YadavMathematical Constructs of Lightweight Block Ciphers-A surveyInternational Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications
Ashok K Bhateja, PK SaxenaSecure Cancellable Fingerprint Key Generation for symmetric Cipher systemICVGIP 2012
MK Dubeyon h-Hemiregular HemiringsInternational Mathematical Forum
Maiya Din, Ram Ratan, AK BhatejaGrowth Oriented Talent Management in R&D OrganizationsIMS Noida,
PR Mishra, Indivar Gupta, Navneet GabaCryptanalysis of Multilanguage Encryption TechniquesCryptologia Journal
Sucheta Chakrabarti, Saibal K Pal, Sugata GangopadhyayAn Improved 3-Quasigroup based Encryption SchemeICT Innovations 2012 Conference
DhananjoyDey, Noopur Shrotriya, Indranath SenguptaR-Hash Function using Random Quradratic Polynomials over GF(2)International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 4, No. 6, December 2012
Maiya Din, AK BhatejaMultimedia Classification using ANNSoft Computing for Problem Solving
GS Walia, Rajiv KapoorParticle Filter Based on Cuckoo Search for non-linear State EstimationIEEE International Advance Computing Conference, IACC - 2013

Year 2013

AuthorsTitlePresented / Published in
PR Mishra, Indivar Gupta; Navneet GabaInfinitude of Primes and its Applications 
Viacheslav A Artamonov, SuchtaChakrabarti, SugataGangopadhyay, Saibal K PalOn Polynomials complete finite quasigroupsQuasigroup ad Related Systems Journal
PR Mishra, Indivar Gupta, N Rajesh PillaiNon-Linearity and Affine Equivalence of Permutations and its Cryptographic Significance 
Manish Kant Dubey, Poonam SaroheOn 2-absorbing sub semi modulesQuasigroup ad Related Systems Journal
Manish Kant Dubey, AnuradhaOn Generalized Quasi-ideals and bi-ideals in ternary semigroupsJournal of Mathematics and Applications
Manish Kant Dubey, AnuradhaA note on prime quasi-ideals in ternary semigingsKragujevac Journal of Mathematics
GS Walia, Ankit Gupta, Rajiv KapoorIntelligent Fire-detection model using statistical color models data fusion with Dezert-Smarandache methodInternational Journal of Image and Data Fusion
Praneesh Gupta, PR MishraA New Method of Cryptography using Laplace TransformSoft Computing for Problem Solving
Manish Kant Dubey, Ram Ratan, Neelam Verma, PK SaxenaCryptanalytic Attacks and their Counter Measures on RSA CryptosystemSoft Computing for Problem Solving
Girish Mishra, Sarvjeet KaurSystem Identification for Classical CryptosystemsInternational Conference on Soft computing for Problem Solving
Ram RatanOn Application of Genetic Algorithm in CryptologyInternational Conference on Soft computing for Problem Solving
Manish Kant Dubey, AnuradhaOn quasi-ideals in Ternary SemiringsInternational Conference on Computer Science, Haldia
Pooja Yadav, Sarvjeet KaurLanguage Identification and Correction in Corrupted Texts of Regional Indian LanguagesInternational Oriental COCOSDA - 2013 Conference
Rajesh K. Asthana, Neelam VermaGeneration of Cryptographically Strong Boolean Functions using Genetic AlgorithmInternational Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving
Hetal G Borisagar, Prasanna R Mishra, NavneetGabaA Method for k Error Linear Complexity Test for binary sequencesInternational Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving
Dr Sucheta Chakrabarti,
Dr Saibal K. Pal
On Increasing Key Space of Quasigroup Based CiphersNational Workshop on Cryptology 2013 (NWC-2013) at SAG
Maiya Din, AK BhatejaCryptanalysis of Geffie Generator using Genetic AlgorithmInternational Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving
Anand SharmaTechnique for Blind Identification of Parameters of unknown Error Correcting CodesInternational Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC - 2013)
GS Walia, Rajiv Kapoor, Neelam Verma, S AroraA Robust Algorithm for Analysis of Intercepted Traffic under Highly Noisy EnvironmentDefence Science Journal
Anand Sharma, AK SharmaBlind Synchronization and Identification of unknown Cyclic error Correcting codes under Noisy ConditionInternational Journal of Advanced Science &Technology / International Journal of Engg Research & Tech / Defence Science Journal / International Journal of Computer Applications
Sushma Verma, SK Muttoo, Saibal K PalLightweight Encryption for securing data at rest on AndroidIEEE International Conference - 2014

Year 2014

AuthorsTitlePresented / Published in
GS Walia, Rajiv KapoorHuman Detection in Video and Images - A State of Art SurveyInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Impact Factor 0.7
GS Walia, Rajiv KapoorIntelligent Video Tracking using Evolutionary Particle Filter based upon Improved Cuckoo SearchInternational Journal Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, Science Direct, Impact Factor 2.339
Neha Goel, Indivar Gupta, Manish Kant DubeyDigital Signature Scheme over Non-abelian GroupInternational Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC - 2014)
Manish Kant Dubey, Pakhi AggarwalOn 2-absorbing sub-modules over commutative ringsJournal of Mathematics
Manish Kant Dubey, Poonam SaroheGeneralizations of Prime Sub-semi-modulesSouth East Asian Bulletin of Mathematics of 2014
Pratibha Kumar, Manish Kant Dubey, Poonam SaroheSome results on 2-absorbing ideals in commutative semirings.Journal of Mathematics and Applications
Gireesh Pandey, 
Dr.Saibal K Pal
Integer Factorization using Number Field SieveInvestigations in Mathematical Sciences 
Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Cryptology
Archajain, Ashokbhateja and Kanika BhagchandaniConstruction of Polynomial over Finite FieldIEEE Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science(SCEECS) 
Ashok K Bhateja,Shantanu Chaudhary PK SaxenaA Robust Online Signature based Cryptosystem14th International Conference on Frontier in Handwriting Recognition(ICHFR-2014),Crete Greece
A. Tandon and S.K.PalDesigning Smart NationsAccepted in the Third International Conference on Smart System,Devices & Technology, France, 2014
Girish Mishra and Sarvjeet KaurCryptanalysis of Transposition Cipher Using Hill Climbing and Simulated AnnealingAccepted in International Conference SocPros 2014
M.Mishra, U.Chaturvedi and S.K.PalA Multithreaded Bond Varying Chaotic Firefly for Prime FactorizationProceeding of IEEE Advance Computing Conference,2014,IEEE Xplore,pp 1322-1325
N.Chaudhary and S.K PalBitcoin and Analysis of its Cryptographic PrimitivesINROADS Special Issue Vol 3 No.1, 2014, pp307-312
Praitbhakumar, Manish K. Dubey and Poonam SarhoeOn 2-absorbing Ideal and Weakly 2-absorbing Ideals in Primary Ideals in Commutative SemiringsAccepted for Publication in European journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Rajesh Asthana,Annad Sharma, Ram Ratan and Neelam VermaClassification of Error Correcting Coded Data using Multidimensional Feature VectorsAccepted in International Conference SocPros 2014
Rajesh Asthana, Ram Ratan and Neelam VermaGeneration of Boolean Functions using Genetic Algorithm for Cryptographic ApplicationsProceeding of IEEE International Conference,IACC 2014,IEEE Xplore,pp 1360-1365
R.Kumar,S.K Pal, ArvindOptimal Priring and Design Pairing Friendly CurvesINROADS Special Issue Vol 3 No.1, 2014, pp313-318
R.Kumar,S.K Pal, ArvindDesign of Identity Based Cryptographic Scheme from PairingAccepted in publication in American Journal of Mathematics and Sciences, 2014
S.Dhall, SK Pal and K SharmaNew Primitives for Multimedia Encryption using Chaos, Concept of Rough Sets and Rule Based Decision MakingInternational Conference of Mathematician-Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science, Seoul, Korea, 2014
S.Dhall, SK Pal and K SharmaNew Lightweight Conditional Scheme for MultimediaProceeding of 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing for problem solving, Advance in Intelligent System and Computing, 258, Springer, 2014
Sanjay Kumar and SK PalGenetic Attack on elliptic curve discrete log problemAccepted in publication in American Journal of Mathematics and Sciences, 2014
Sanjay Kumar , SK Pal and A KumarCryptographic scheme based on elliptic curve over integer ringsINROADS special issue vol 3 no. 1, 2014, pp 319-322
Sanjay Kumar , SK Pal and A KumarDesign and Implementation of ECC using koblitz and ElGamal methodProceedings of International Conference on innovative advancement in engineering and technology, Mar 2014, Jaipur
SK Pal, P Sardana and A SardanaEfficient search on encrypted data using bloom filterProceedings of the International Conference on Computing sustainable global development (INDIA Comm),2014,IEEE Xplore
S.Verma,S.K Pal and S.K MuttoA new tools for Lightweight encryption on AndroidProceeding of the IEEE advance Computing Conferece,2014,IEEE Xplore, pp 306-311

Year 2015

AuthorsTitlePresented / Published in
Manish Kant Dubey, Poonam Sarohe,On 2-absoring Primary Subsemimodules over Commutative SemiringsBulletinulAcademie De Stiinte A Republica Moldova, Mathematica
P R Mishra, Indivar Gupta, Navneet gabaDistribution of primitive Polynomials with Respect to Their weightInternational Conference on Mathematics and Computing, ICMC
Pratibha Kumar, Manish Kant Dubey, Poonam SaroheSome results on 2-absorbing ideals in commutative semirings.Journal of Mathematics and Applications
Rajesh Asthana, Ram Ratan and Neelam VermaClassification of Corrupted Text and Speech Using Projection Pursuit TechniqueIEEE International Conference - 2015
Akash Gupta, SP Mishra, BM SuriDifferential Power Attack on trivium Implemented on FPGASoft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS-2015)
Manoj Kumr, Saibal K Pal, Anupama PanigrahiOn the security of Extended Generalized Feistel NetworksIACR e-Print Archive/Information Processing letters / International Journal
Manish Kant Dubey, Pakhi AggarwalOn 2-absorbing submodules over commutative ringsJournal of Mathematics
Manish Kant Dubey, Pakhi AggarwalOn 2-absoring Primary Submodules of Modules over Commutative Rings with UnityAsian European Journal of mathematics
Susil Kumar Bishoi, Himanshu K Haran, Sartajul HasanConstruction of Efficient Multiple-recursive Matrix Method for Generating Pseudorandom VectorsIndocrypt 2015
Manish Kant Dubey, Pakhi AggarwalOn n-absoring Primary Submodules of Modules over Commutative RingsBeitrageZur Algebra and Geometrie/ Contribution to Algebra and Geometry
Neha  Goel, Indivar Gupta, B K DassSurvey of SAP and its Application in Public Key CryptographyJournal of Mathematical Cryptology
Manish Kant Dubey, Poonam SaroheGeneralisation of Prime and Prime Ideals in SemiringsSouth East Asian Bulletin of Mathematics of 2015
Richa Tyagi, Naveen Kumar Sharma, Kamini MalhotraComprehensive Methodology for Threat Identification and Vulnerability Assessment in Ad-hoc NetworksCSI Gulden Jubilee Annual Convention, New Delhi
Ambrish Awasthi, RK SharmaPrimitive Transformation Shift Registers of Order Two over Fields of Characteristic TwoDesign Codes & Cryptography
A K Bhateja, Aditi Bhateja, Shantanu Chaudhary & P K SaxenaCryptanalysis of Vigenere cipher using Cuckoo SearchInternational Journal, Elevier Applied Soft Computing
M K Dubey, Poonam  Saroheon (n-1,n)-Phi--prime ideals in Commutative semiringsInternational Journal, Mathematics Vesnik

Year 2016

AuthorsTitlePresented / Published in
A K Bhateja, Shikhar Sharma, Shantanu Chaudhary & Nitin AgarwalIris Recognisation based on Sparse Representation and K-nearest subspace with Genetic AlgorithmInternational Journal Elevier Pattern Recognisation Letter
Neha Goel, Indivar Gupta & B K DassProvably Secure  Zero Knowledge Undeniable Signature Scheme over Non-abelian GroupInternational Journal of Pure   & Applied Mathematics
Neha Goel, Indiver Gupta, B K DassComputational Hard Problem in Periodic Monoids and Its Applications to CryptographyInternational Journal of Algebra and Computation
Gajraj Kuldeep, Devendra Kumar Yadav, A K SharmaWeakness in Hadmard Based Symmetric Key  Encryption SchemeJournal of Applied Mathematics & Bio-Informatics
Maiya Din, Anjali JainApplying Cuckoo Search for Analysis of LFSR Based CryptosystemInternational Conference, ICEMS 2016
Anand Sharma, Dr N Rajesh PillaiBlind Recognition of Parameters of Linear Block Codes from Intercepted Bit StreamInternational conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA 2016)
Yogesh Kumar, PR Mishra, N R Pillai, R K SharmaOn Non-Linearity and Affine Equivalence of Permutations over an Arbitrary Finite Commutative Ring with unityCommunication in Algebra
Neha Goel, Indivar Gupta, B K DasZero Knowledge Undeniable Signature Scheme over Semigroup Action ProblemItalian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Arvind Kumar Singh, SP Mishra, BM Suri, Anu KhoslaApplication of Signal Processing to Optimize EM Attack on AES running on FPGAInternational Conference on Communication and Computing System
Sartaj Ul hasan, Daniel Panario & Qiang WangTweaked Transformation Shift RegistersInternational Conference on "Sequences and their application (SETA) 2016
Tarun Yadav, KoustavSadhukhan, Rao Arvind MallariApproximation Algorithm for N-Distance Vertex Cover ProblemInternational Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2016
Sanchit Gupta, Harshit Sharma, Sarvjeet KaurMalware Characterization using Windows API Call SequencesInternational Conference on Security, Privacy and Applied Cryptographic Engineering (SPACE 2016)
M K Dubey, Navneet Gaba, S SBediFASER 128 and Its CountermeasureInternational Conference ICMC, Haldia
M K Dubey, NavneetGaba, S SBediCryptanalysis of FASER 256IET Information Theory
Sushma Verma, SK MuttooAn Android Malware Detection Framework Based on Permissions and IntentsDefence Science Journal
Dhananjoy Dey, Manoj Kumar, KhushbooBassi, BK DassNeeva: A Lightweight Hash FunctionDefence Science Journal
Manoj Kumar, DhananjoyDey, SK Pal, AnupamaPanigarahiHeW: A Hash Function Based on Lightweight Block Cipher FeWDefence Science Journal
Manish Kant Dubey, Poonam SaroheGeneralizations of Prime SubsemimodulesSouth East Asian Bulletin of Mathematics
Manish Kant Dubey, Poonam Sarohe and Pratibha Kumaron 2-absoring and weekly 2-oabsoring primary ideals in Commutative semiringsEuropean Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Neha Goel, Indivar Gupta,M K Dubey& B K DassUndeniable Signature Scheme over Group RingApplicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing
Santu Pal, Saibal K PalA Novel Key Exchange and Encryption Scheme using Companion MatrixInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS-2016)
Smaranika Dasgupta, Saibal  K PalDesign of a Polynomial Ring Based Symmetric Homomorphic Encryption SchemeInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS-2016)
A Kaushal, Chavan, Indivar Gupta, D B KulkaraniA Review on Solving ECDLP over Large Finite Field Using Parallel Pollard's Rho methodIOSR Journal of Computer Engg
Harish Kumar Sahu, Indivar Gupta, N Rajesh Pillai, R K SharmaBDD based Cryptanalysis of Stream Cipher- A practical approachIET Information Theory
Prateek Yadav, Indivar Gupta & S K MurthyStudy and Analysis of ESTREAM Cipher Salsa and ChaChaInternational Conference on Engineering and Technology
AK BhatejaCache Optimized Solution for Sparse Linear System over Large Order Finite FieldsIICMC 2017, Haldia
Pratibha Kumar, M K Dubey, Poonam SaroheOn 2-absorbing ideals in commutative semiringsQuasigroups and Related Systems

Year 2017

AuthorsTitlePresented / Published in
Manoj Kumar, Pratibha Yadav, SK Pal, AnupamaPanigrahiSecure and Efficient Diffusion Layers for Block CiphersDefence Science Journal
Yogesh Kumar,  Dr P R Mishra, Prof R K SharmaNon-linearity of k-cycle Permutations on ZnJournal of Discrete Mathematics
Yogesh  Kumar, P R Mishra, Nupur Gupta, R K SharmaDifferential ϭ-  uniformity and non-linearity of permutation over ZnGroup Complexity and Cryptography
Yogesh Kumar, Dr P R Mishra, Prof R K SharmaA New Class of Differential 4-Uniform Permutation from Exponential permutationJournal of Discrete Mathematics
Maiya Din, Dr S K Pal, Dr S K MuttooA Review of Computational Swarm Intelligence Techniques for Solving Crypto ProblemsInternational Journal of System Assurance Engg.
Manoj Kumar, TS Suresh, Anupama PanigrahiOptimal Differential Trails in Lightweight Block Ciphers ANU and PICOCryptologia
P R Mishra, Yogesh Kumar, R K SharmaInversion Permutation on Z(p^2) and Its PropertiesSIAM Journal Applied Algebra & Geometry
Arvind Kumar Singh, BM Suri and SP MishraVHDL Implementation of AES with Random Delay to Resist the Power Attack and to Confuse with DESNational Conference on Information Technology, Electronics and Management, NCITEM-2017
Shruti Rawal, S K PalHybrid Parallel Solution of Large Sparse Linear System of Equation over GF(2)International Conference HiPC-2017
Devendra Kumar Yadav, Gajrajkuldeep, S D JoshiRamanujan Sums as Derivatives and ApplicationsIEEE Signal Processing Letters
Devendra Kumar Yadav, Gajraj Kuldeep, S D JoshiOrthogonal Ramanujan Sums, Its Properties and Applications in Multiresolution AnalysisIEEE Transaction on Signal Analysis
Maiya Din, Dr S K Pal, Dr S K MuttooA Review of Computational Swarm Intelligence Techniques for Solving Crypto ProblemsSoft Computing: Theories & Applications (SoSCTA-2017)
Arvind Kumar, P R Mishra, S K PalA Heuristic Approach Toward Variability of HC- 128Defence Science Journal
Girish Mishra, Meenakshi Shenoy, Somanchi K MurthyMachine Learning Based Identification of regional Indian LanguageDefence Science Journal
Prashant Verma, Indivar Gupta & NVIDIA teamGPU-Accelerated Scalable Solver for Large Linear System over Finite FieldsGPU Technology Conference at Silicon Valley 26-29 March 2018
Manoj Kumar Singh, Dr Indivar Gupta, Dr Abhay Kumar Singh, Pooja MishraConstruction of Dual Cyclic Codes over F2[u,v]/ <u2,v2-v,uv-vu> for DNA ComputationDefence Science Journal
Rakesh Kumar Sahu, Narendra S ChaudhariAlgorithm for Reliability Estimation of Leaf Routing Protocol of Mobile Adhoc networkDefence Science Journal
SidheshwarMukhede, Anmol Prakash, Maiya DinIdentification of Hindi Plain text using Artificial neural NetworkINTL Conference on Harmony Search Soft Computing and Application
Maiya Din, Dr S K Pal, Dr S K MuttooApplying PSO Based Techniques for Analysis of Geffe Generator CryptosystemINTL Conference on Harmony Search Soft Computing and Application
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