
India has a vast coastline and extensive offshore and maritime interests. A hundred percent surveillance coverage of the region with currently available methods is practically well nigh impossible. There is thus a distinct need for understanding Ocean Environment and under water acoustic propagation characteristics for better deployment of existing systems using acoustic methods. In answer to such a need, a Panel on Sonar and Signal Behaviour has been constituted by DRDO under the aegis of Naval Research Board. The main purpose of this panel is to identify challenging research areas and to sponsor projects of an investigative nature, so that the fund of knowledge and researchers grows in this critical area in the country. In addition, other non-acoustic methods should also be researched and systems realised.

The challenge of extensive surveillance coverage requires radical thinking and aggressive execution in a number of critical areas to meet the national interests. These critical areas that need to be thoroughly studies would be: Environment Modeling, Space -Time Signal Processing, Novel Sensing Methods and Techniques, Non-conventional Signal and Information Processing, and other relevant technologies.

Panel Member

Dr. P.S. Ramaiah

Dept. of Computer Science and Systems Engg.
Andhra University

Tel. No. : 891-2559890
E-mail : psrama[at]gmail[dot]com


Sr. No.Panel HeadContact Information
1Prof. Uday B Desai
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Ordnance Factory Estate,
Andhra Pradesh Tele: 040-2301-6002, 09491040801
Fax: 040-2310-6003
E-mail: ubdesai[at]iith[dot]ac[dot]in
2Prof. SC Sahasrabudhe
Dhirubai Ambani Instt. of Information & Communication Technology,
Near Indora Circle, Gandhinagar-382007, Gujrat
Tele: 079-30510572
Fax: 079-30520010
Mob: 097374962827
E-mail: scs[at]daiict[dot]ac[dot]in
3Prof. Ajit Kumar ChaturvediHead, Deptt. of Electrical Engg.
IIT Kanpur.
Tele:0512-2597454 / 7613 / 8378
E-mail: akc[at]iitk[dot]ac[dot]in
4Prof. DK MehraDeptt. of Electronics & Computer Engg.,
IIT Roorkee,
Tele:01332-285644 / 285001
E-mail: dkmecfec[at]iitr[dot]ernet[dot]in
5Prof. Anil MahantaDeptt. of EE,
IIT Guwahati,
Tele:0361-2582511(O), 2584511(R)
E-mail: anilm[at]iitg[dot]ernet[dot]in
6Dr. P. Muralikrishna
Scientist 'F'
Mob:9995829938, 9446065729
E-mail: mk[dot]npol[at]gmail[dot]com
7Mrs. M. Sandhya
Scientist 'F'
Naval Science & Technological Laboratory,
Vigyan Nagar,
E-mail: sandhya[dot]m[at]nstl[dot]drdo[dot]in
8Commodore M. Gentella
Tele: 011- 2301 0733, 23793115
Fax: 011-2301 1028


Sr. No.Project No.Project TitleDate of CommencementDuration/
Date of Completion
Principal InvestigatorInstitute
105/SSB/97-98Transient Signal detection using wavelet TransformApr (98)Dec (01) (Apr 01)Prof. B Chandna Dr. VM GadreIIT, Bombay
206/SSB/97-98Dev of Optimal Passive Tracking Algorithms for Multiple Maneuvering Targets.Mar (98)Dec (01) (Mar 01)Shri C Vijay KumarREC/NIT, Trichy
307/SSB/97-98Studies on Ambient Noise Structure and Acoustic Scattering from Objects in the presence of Ambient NoiseMar (98)Mar (01)Dr. AG PathakNIOT, Chennai
416/SSB/97-98Dev of Tools for characterzation and analysis of systems which are invariant to a group of transformation & their application to Sonar Signal ProcessingApr (99)Apr (02)Dr. SD JoshiIIT, Delhi
526/SSB/99-2000Feasibility Study for establish a programme of excellene in underwater electronicsDec (99)Dec (2000)Prof R Bahi,IIT, Delhi
630/SSB/2000-01Depth and Range Dendent Acoustic Propagation in Ocean Wave Guide by FEMApr (01)(Apr 04) Oct (05)Prof. SK Bhattacharya & Prof CP VendhanIIT, Madras, Chennai
736/SSB/02-03Novel Studies on Propagation and signal processing of Thermal waves for defect localization with application to non-destructive characterizationDec (03)Mar (07) Dec (06)Dr. S Tuli,IIT, Delhi
880/SSB/06-07Design & Dev of Dielectric Lens based Active Smart Array Antenna for Surface Communication of Underwater VehiclesDec (06)(Dec 09) Mar (10)Prof. S Ravishankar,RVCE, Bangalore
9103/SSB/06-07Design & Dev of a Multi-Technique Thermal System including Signal Processing Modules for Non-Destructive Defect LocalizationApr (07)Apr (10) Oct (10)Prof. Suneet Tuli,CARE, IIT, Delhi
10107/SSB/06-07Health Monitoring of Submerged Naval Vessels using Smart Materials & Wave Propagation TechniquesMay (07)May (10) Nov 10Dr. Abhijit Mukherjee,Thapar University, Patiala
11108/SSB/06-07Simulation Studies on the Bit Rate Performance of Fractinal Fourier Transform (FrFT) based Optimum Beamformer/ Comibiner in Communcation System .Apr (07)(Apr 09) Aug 09Dr. Rajesh Khanna,Thapar University, Patiala
12131/SSB/07-08Design of Block Layered Space Time CodesMay (08)May (11) Jan (12)Dr. Monika Aggarwal,CARE, IIT Delhi
13153/SSB/08-09Characterisation of Ocean Noise using Multiscale Modeling TechniquesFeb (09)Feb (12) Feb (13)Dr. Brejesh Lall,IIT, Delhi
14154/SSB/08-09Image Capturing & secure Transmission for unmanned vehicles over/under sea.Dec (08)Dec (10)Prof. Geetam Singh TomarVikrant Institute of Technology & Management, Indore
15159/SSB/08-09 (Recvd)Studies on Design & Characterisation of RFMMS based device for Naval applicationsNov (08)May (11) (Nov 10)Prof. KA Sumithradevi,RVCE, Bangalore
16176/SSB/08-09 (Recvd)Dev of Heating System for failed Antenna Array using Evolutionary Computational TechniquesJan (09)Jan (12) Aug (12)Dr. Amalendu Patnaik,IIT, Rorkee
17177/SSB/08-09Desgin & Implementation of Particle Filter Algorithm for U/W Multiple Maneuvering Target TrackingFeb (09)Feb (12) Nov (12)Prof. V Rajbabu,IIT, Bombay
18183/SSB/09-10Time Reversal Miror (TRM) Based Echo-To-Reverberation Enhancement studies in and underwater tank FacilitySep (09)Aug (12)Prof. Venkatesh Vadde,PESIT, Bangalore
19229/SSB/10-11HMM Based target classifier with improved success ratesJan (12)Jan (15) Jul (15)
Mar (17)
Dr. Supriya MHDept. of Electronics CUSAT, Kochi
20235/SSB/10-11Detection and classification of under water mines using image processing techniques and neural networksMar (11)Feb (13)Dr. SN GeethalakshmiAvinashilingam University for women, Coimbatore
21244/SSB/11-12Channel Sounding Experiments to study doubly spread underwater Acoustic channels in shallow-watersMar (12)Mar (14) Mar (15)Dr. Vijaya KrishnaPES Institute of Technology, Banglore
22261/SSB/11-12Acoustic vector sensor array processing for detection and localization of Targets in shallow oceanJul (12)Jul (15)Prof. G V AnandPES Institute of Technology, Banglore
23270/SSB/12-13Design and Implementation of Novel Sensor for Detection and Direction Finding of Sound UnderwaterFeb (13)Feb (15) Jul (15)Dr. P. Karthik, Associate ProfessorK. S. School of Engineering & Management, Bangalore
24283/SSB/12-13Design and Development of Protocol Stack for Underwater Acoustic Sensor NetworksMay (13)May (16) Nov (16)Dr. A.V. BabuNational Institute of Technology Calicut,
25285/SSB/12-13Studying Effects of cloak Surrounded Antennas on SDR performance using Neuro-space-MappingMar (13)Mar (16) Sep (16)Rabindra k MishraBerhampur University Bhanja Bihar, Berhampur
26295/SSB/12-13Intelligent system for Adaptive Enhancement of Underwater Images for Accurate Object RecognitionMar (13)Mar (16)Dr. M. M. Ramya, Associate ProfessorHindustan Institute of Technology & Science, Chennai
27296/SSB/13-14Sparse Grid Quadrature Filter, With Application in Bearings-only Passive Underwater Target Tracking ProblemAug(13)Aug (16)Dr. Shovan Bhaumik, Assistant ProfessorIndian Institute of Technology Patna, Patna
28301/SSB/13-14Discrete Multitone cable communication Modem for Sonar Data acquisition and Telemetry applicationsMay (14)May (17)Prof M Bharathi, Assistant Professor Change PI Dr. S Ravi ShankarR V College of Engineering, Bangalore
29305/SSB/13-14New particle filtering and stochastic search techniques applied to the single-and multiple –target tracking of slow moving objects in the presence of clutterFeb (14)Feb (17)Prof. Debasish Roy, ProfessorIndian Institute of Science, Bangalore
30355/SSB/14-15Design Development of Embedded Computer Based Active Sound and Vibration Control Using Hybrid Control ArchitectureMay (15)May (17)Prof. P. Seetharamaiah, ProfessorAndhra University, Vishakhapatnam
31362/SSB/15-16Advanced Submarine Target Motion AnalysisAug (15)Aug (18)Dr. Sanagapallea Koteswara Rao, Retired Scientist 'G' NSTL & ProfessorKL University Guntur
32364/SSB/15-16Radiometric image analysis of marine platforms using infrared thermographyOct (15)Oct (17)Ms. Naga Vara Aparna AkulaCentral Scientific instruments organisation (CSIR) Sector-30-C, Chandhigarh
33370/SSB/15-16Fiber-optic hydrophone sensor array for underwater surveillance  Dr. Pradeep Kumar K, Assistant ProfessorDept. of Center for Lasers & photonics Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur-208016
34378/SSB/15-16Design, Development and Testing of an Optical Transceiver for Establishing Underwater Optical Wireless Audio-Video CommunicationAug (16)Aug (18)Dr. Shanthi Prince, Assistant ProfessorSRM University SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur

Examining Fresh Project Proposal

Questionnaire to be filled in by experts/Panel members while reviewing the fresh project proposal may be downloaded from PRINTABLE FORMS and completed form be submitted to the Panel Head with a copy to the member Secretary NRB.

Forwarding ofAnnual Progress Report

The Principal Investigators of the ongoing/freshly sanctioned projects are required to send the Annual Progress report of the project to the concerned Panel Head/Members and the Member Secretary NRB as per proforma to be downloaded from PRINTABLE FORMS.

Conduct of Workshop

Towards the end of the project, a workshop is to be organised by the PI in consultation with the concerned Panel Head and the Member Secretary NRB for dissemination of the work done during the execution of the project. The requisite proforma for the same may be downloaded from the PRINTABLE FORMS.

Forwarding of Closure Report

On completion of the Project, the Principal Investigator is required to send a Closure Report to the Panel Head and the member Secretary NRB as per proforma to be downloaded from PRINTABLE FORMS.

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