IDProject TitlePI NAMEInstitute
413Development of amphiphilic titanium oxide – silicon oxide coatings for anti-Biofouling applicationsDr. Yekkoni L. JeyachandranBharathiar University, Marudhamalai Road
414“Development of Smoothed Particle Hydro-dynamics (SPH) capability for naval applications”Dr Amit ShawIIT, Kharagpur
416Environment assisted cracking of naval grade 5059 AI alloyDr. Gajanan P. ChaudhariIIT, Roorkee
421Hydrodynamic Design and performance of Marine Vessels at SeaDr. Anirban Bhattacharyya, asst. ProfIIT, Kharagpur
423Development of a non stationary thermal wave imaging based system for quantitative coasting thickness evaluation and subsurface anomaly detectionDr. GV Subbarao, Asst ProfKLEF University, Vaddeswaram
424Online Corrosion monitoring in naval structuresDr. Soobhankar Pati, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Bhubaneswar
425Improving damping capacity of cast Nickel aluminum Bronze (NAB) alloysDr. Partha Sarathi De, Assistant professorIIT, Bhubaneswar
426“Design Development and Characterization of Blue LED and Visible Laser Based Underwater Optical Wireless Communication System for Audio and Video Signals”.Dr. Sumanta Gupta, Associate ProfessorIIT, Patna
427“Time varying Doppler-Shift Compensation of FBMC – Based Shallow Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems”Dr. Puspha Kotipalli, professorShri Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Vishunpur
428Development of environment friendly superior lead-free perovskite piezoelectric for vibration energy harvester and sonar transducer applications with the emphasis on domain engineering.Dr. Rahul C. Kambale, Asst ProfessorSavitribai Phule Pune University
430“Anisotropy engineering and Process Optimization for the Development of Advanced Magnetic Thin Materials for field Sensing Application”Dr. JR MohantyIIT, Hyderabad
431Decentralized consensus Filtering for Underwater target Motion analysisDr. Shovan Bhaumik, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Patna
432Detection of ships and submarines by its wake signature using Computational fluid DynamicsDr. Hari Warrior, Assistant professorIIT, Kharagpur
433Simulation of Ship Wake for Application in Sonar Signal ModelingDr. D. Roy Mahapatra, Assistant professorIISc, Bangalore
435“Understanding the effect of steel composition on the Charpy impact toughness of high-strength (1000MPa) naval grade steel”Dr. Debalay Chakrabarti, Associate ProfessorIIT, Kharagpur
436Narrow gap welding of 12 mm thick naval steel using tandem gas metal arc welding processDr. Degala Venkata Kiran, Assistant professorIIT, Tirupati
438Fatigue life analysis and study of slurry erosion behavior of quasi-isotropic carbon fiber reinforced composites under the influence of marine environmentDr. Dayananda Pai, ProfessorManipal Institute of Technology, Manipal
439“Development of numerical methods for calculation of hydroelastic responses of ships in extreme sea conditions”Dr. Suresh Rajendran, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Madras
440“Reduced graphene oxide supported/ Metal ion substituted hexagonal ferrite hybrid composites for high performance tunable broad band radar absorption”Dr. L. John Kenndey, Associate professorVIT University, Vellore
441“Marine Forecast Visualization System Panorama Phase-II”Dr. Manoj Khare, Associate DirectorCDAC, Pune
442Skin-friction Drag Reduction Through control of the Turbulent Boundary layer on Axisymmetirc BodiesDr. Arun K. Saha, professorIIT, Kanpur
443Evaluation of high cycle fatigue (S-N) Behavior of fusion welded butt joints of naval grade steelDr. P. Sivaraj, Assistant professorAnnamalai University, Parangipettai
444Deep Learned Detection and Classification of Multiple Intrusions Using WDM Intensity and Phase-Sensitive OTDR in Underwater EnvironmentDr. Arijit Mondal, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Patna
445Optical wireless Communication for underwater data muling and positioning in Underwater Sensor applicationsDr. Shanthi Prince, ProfessorSRM University, Kattankulathur
446Development of a System for detection of BioluminescenceShri Pramod Kumar Maurya, Sr. Scientist,CSIR, NIO, GOA
447Development of wavelet-based computational algorithms for a few nonlinear and fractional dynamical system governing ship dynamics.Dr. G. Hariharan, Senior Assistant ProfessorSASTRA University, Thanjavur
448Indigenous Doppler Velocity Log (IDVL)Sh. Haneesh Sankar T P, Sc ‘E’C-DAC,Vellayambalam Kerala -
450Effect of multiple shot peening on the fatigue behavior of UNS S32760 and Ti-6AI-4V Weldin SeawaterDr. Bijayani Panda, Associate ProfessorCMR Institute of Technology
451A novel ECAR technique to produce nano structured AA5083 aluminum alloy with high deformation homogeneity and improved mechanical properties for naval ApplicationsDr. Swami Naidu Gurugubelli, ProfessorJawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada
452State of art submarine target motion analysisDr. Sanagapallea Koteswara Rao, ProfessorKLEF University, Vaddeswaram
453Cavitation Bubble Dynamics near Wettability Tailored Surfaces”Dr. Ritwik Ghosal, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Kharagpur
454Synthesis of carbon nano fibers, composites and its microwave absorptionDr. Sandesh V. Jaybhaye, Assistant ProfessorB. K. Birla College of Arts, Science and Commerce
455Numerical and experimental study of water entry and exit of rigid bodiesDr. S Chandrasekaran, ProfessorIIT, Madras
456Development of Bio memitic autonomous underwater vehicle (BAUV) for martime surveillance (Phase 1)Prof P KrishnakuttyIIT, Madras
457A coupled Atmosphere - Ocean Biogeochemistry model for the North Indian OceanDr. Jayanarayanan Kuttippurath, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Kharagpur
458Theoretical study and Design of high Efficiency wide band class D Power Amplifier for Acoustic TransducersDr. P. Parthiban, Assistant ProfessorNIT, Surathkal, Karnatka
459Classification of sonar signals using deep convolution neural networksDr. Padmanabhan Rajan, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Mandi
460Study of Airwake and its Control over Flight Decki of Aircraft Carrier for Safe Aircraft Landing operationsDr. Sawan S. Sinha, Associate ProfessorIIT, Delhi
461Analysis of optical properties of coastal and estuarine waters and development of algorithm to retrieve chromophoric dissolved organic matter from an optical sensorDr. Harilal B. Menon, ProfessorGoa University
462Design & Development of Bio-Inspired Network of Autonomous Underwater VehiclesDr. Hrishikesh Venkataraman, Associate ProfessorIIIT, Sricity
463Mathematical tool development for hydroelastic analsyis of propoeller blade noise and vibraton and signature prediction.Dr. Nbanita DattaIIT, Kharagpur
465Artifical Intelligence based intigrated Logistics Management system (ILMS) for Indian Navy (Air)Dr. S. Domnic, Associate ProfessorNIT, Tiruchirappalli
466Algorithms for Fast Computation of Principal Components for Self Noise Cancellation in Underwater AcousticsDr. Karan Nathwani, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Jammu
467Investigating of the factors leading to large enhancement of the electromechanical response in rare-earth doped relazor ferroelectric based plozoceramics.Dr. Rajiv Ranjan, ProfessorIISc, Bangalore
468Grain Boundary and magnetic Domain Intraction in Oriented Bulk Magnetostrictive RA-Ga alloy.Dr. Sumantra MandalIIT, Kharagpur
469Design and development of an intelligent underwater vehicle with a manipulator for offshore oil/gas and other marine applicationsDr. Santhakumar Mohan, Associate ProfessorIIT, Palakkad
470Propeller Shaft Instabilities and Mode localization in propeller bladesDr. Kiran Vijayan, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Kharagpur
471Design and development of MEMS gyroscope for Naval applicationsDr. Venkatesh Kadbur Prabhakar Rao, Assistant ProfessorBITS, Pilani
472Computational Prediction of Acoustic Emissions from Collapsing Bubbles Using Interface Capturing Multiphase flow SimulationsDr. Ratnesh K. Shukla, Associate ProfessorIISc, Bangalore
473Stability of nanostructure & residual stress developed through ultrasonic shot peening in superally IN718 at elevated temperatures'Dr. Kausik ChattopadhyayIIT, BHU
474Therretical Studies on Synthetic Aperture Rader Based Ocean Surface Exploration for submarine detectionDr. S Arivazhagan, ProfessorMepco shlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
475Machine Learnig Models for Underwater image enhancement and content analysisDr. Supriya MH, ProfessorCUSAT, Kochi
476Design of efficient meterial based radar absorbing materials for stealth applications using 3D printingDr. Bratin Ghosh, ProfessorIIT, Kharagpur
477Fatigue behaviour of Al Alloy for marine applicationDr. Bhanu Kumar MishraIIT, Roorkee
478Hydroelasticity of a large and high speed ships considering the slamming and green water impact on regular and lr-regular wavesDr. Ranadev Datta, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Kharagpur
479An interactive, dynamic and scalable Ocean Visualization Tool (OCEANVIZIO)Dr. Preetha K G, Associate ProfessorRajagiri School of Engineering & Technology
480To Develop a methodology to detect and localize a submerged submarine using sea skimming drone carrying magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) systemDr. Sanchari Saha Associate ProfessorMVJ College of Engineering
481Evaluation of seafloor morphology, physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water column in the submarine canyons off Visakhapatnam: A multidisciplinary approachDr. V.V.S.S Sarma, Senior Principal ScientistCSIR – National Institute of Oceanography,
482Development of a software framework for on-the-fly analysis station for Darpan simulatorsShri C BalanC-DAC,Vellayambalam Kerala -
483Ocean Acoustic Data Archival and Analytics FrameworkDr. Sahely Bhadra, Assistant ProfessorIIT, Palakkad
484Development Of Physical Layer Technologies And Prototypes For Acoustic Modem And Performance Evaluation By Channel Characterization & ModellingNithin james, Assistant professorMar Athanasius College of Engineering
485Understanding the influence of corrotion on the shock response of DMR -249A steel plates and welded jointsDr S Suresh kumar, Associate ProfessorSSN College of Engineering
488Assessment of additive manufactured titanium alloy & cast nickel aluminium bronje alloy an explanatory study for naval propellen materialDr. Manl Kumar MishraMNIT, Jaipur
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