Mobile Lab
The lab facility is built on ISO 20 feet dry container and mounted on a chassis for mobility. The exhaust air being HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filtered, satisfies Class 10,000 or ISO7 air quality. Complete Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) is used to maintain desired unidirectional airflow and room pressure gradients of negative pressure as compared to the ambience. The ingress of the samples is done in a safe way through a specifically designed dynamic pass box (as shown in the picture above) for direct delivery inside the Class III bio-safety cabinet for safe sample processing. The facilities in the Lab include clean air work station, cold chain for storing the reagents and samples, Provision for treatment of liquid effluents, safe storage of solid biohazard wastes and decontamination by autoclaving. Further provision for storing and donning PPEs, storage for used aprons, emergency body shower and eye wash etc. have been provided. The Lab setup has necessary captive and raw power supply, space for sufficient fuel and water provisions and thus can be easily transported by road and deployed at the site of emergency as per the requirement. Air bellow suspension has been used to reduce the vibration during transport and air compressor for inflating tyres. Specifically for Covid-19 testing, the lab has been provided with Real-Time PCR detection platform. Medical Professional can easily and safely handle and preserve samples from disease outbreaks or during surveillance. The interior view of the Mobile containment laboratory showing Class III biosafety cabinet, real time PCR, PCR work station, pass box, -20 degree Celsius freezer, refrigerator and incubator. Real time PCR provided for COVID-19 screening from clinical samples can test about 300 samples per day. The Lab has been Handed over to Viral Research and Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL) of Mysore Medical College and Research Institute (the sole authorised COVID-19 testing facility in Mysore region) to enhance their testing capability. 
- RCI, DRDO developed first of its kind mobile lab called MVRDL in India to speed-up the COVID-19 screening and R&D activities. It was conceptualized on April 06 and the all activities have been completed by 20 April i.e. 15 days.
- One number of MVRDL has been dedicated to the Nation by Honorable Raksha Mantri on 23rd April’2020
- DRDO in consortium with ESIC Medical College, Hyderabad team configured a combination of two modules. One Bio-Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) lab and another one Bio-Safety Level 2 (BSL-2) labs are connected to carry out the virology research and diagnostic activities.
- The test laboratories are expected to carry out the following activities:
- Conduct diagnostic test for COVID-19, real-time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) Test
- Virus culturing for drug screening, convalescent plasma derived therapy
- Aid in development of vaccine
- Development of diagnostics kits
- This can be positioned anywhere due to mobile shelter based configuration
- The entire area is conditioned with HVAC system with a design of 100% fresh air ensuring no re-circulation. Room temperature of 24±40C is maintained, relative humidity is maintained less than 60% as per specifications of BSL-3 and BSL-2 labs. The labs are built as per WHO and ICMR bio-safety standards to meet the international guidelines.
- The system is equipped with access control, LAN, telephone cabling and CCTV. Fire alarm system is provided to ensure fire safety. The system has built-in furniture and is equipped with pass boxes for transfer of samples from container to other container. Personnel protective equipment is provided for personnel to cross over box.
- Other applications of the laboratory
- It can enable the test services at remote places
- The laboratory will enable extensive research on identification of viruses and identification of other agents causing morbidity significant to public health
- It will enable the researchers and medical practitioners to undertake research activities and develop diagnostics assays and therapeutics
- To understand and conduct surveillance of existing as well as new viruses.
- To develop diagnostic kits
- The laboratory is designed to carry out following activities:
- The laboratory screens 1000-2000 samples per day
- Drug screening
- Therapeutics - Convalescent Plasma therapy, Therapeutic value of milk exosomes for COVID-19, Stem cell therapy to reduce inflammation and fibrosis
- COVID-19 Diagnostics - Covid i-Chip, IgG/IgG, Single Tube PCR test, Direct sequencing of corona viruses from clinical specimens
- Vaccine Development - Comprehensive immunity profiling of COVID-19 patients towards vaccine design and early clinical trials specific to Indian population.
- Industry Partners
- M/s iCOMM, Hyderabad identified for building shelters
- M/s iClean, Hyderabad, a company with years experience in building the containment facilities augmented the laboratory with required safety levels
- Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL) Mysore, pursuing the mission to support corona warriors, has developed this quick response asset to deal the situation arising due to contagious diseases including Covid-19 pandemic.
- The Laboratory stationed on mobile platform has been named PARAKH. It provides for unidirectional airflow and gradient negative room pressure with class III Biosaftey cabinet (BSC) for entry and safe processing of clinical samples. The viral inactivation and first 2 steps of viral lysis of RNA extraction are performed inside the BSC assuring personnel protection.
Sr. No. | Product | Laboratory | DRDO Contact | Industry | Detailed Address | Industry Contact Person |
1 | Mobile Virology Research and Diagnostics Laboratory (MVRDL) | RCI, Hyderabad | 04024306000 | M/s iClean | Integrated Clean Room Technologies Pvt Ltd 201 Sri Vensai Towers, Varuna Block, Kompally, Hyderabad - 500 014 Telangana | Shri TV Prasad 9959938884 |