Microwave Tube Research & Development Centre (MTRDC) - Achievements
M Sumathy, SUM Reddy, K S Bhat, “Estimation of RF-Wall loss in slow wave structures for Travelling Wave tubes”, AEU,2016, pp.1412-1416
V Latha Christie, Payel Mondal, Sritama Dutta, E Gopikrishna, “Analysis of H-plane discontinuity in a rectangular waveguide using mode matching technique”, INROADS-Intl. Journal of JNU-2016, pp.367-371
A K Singh, B Gurumoorthy, V Latha Christie, “Cloud based meta data driven product model”, Proce. of 13th IFTP Intl. Conf. on Product Lifecycle Management 2016, pp.88-97
Simy Anthony, U V Chandramouli, Talur Chanakya, P Raja Ramana Rao, S K Datta,, “Development of RF Coupler of a broadband helix traveling wave tube”, EWCI 2016
Sudhamani HS, SUM Reddy, “PIC Simulations of folded waveguide slowwave structures for THz TWT”, EWCI 2016
Latha Christie, Payel Mondal, Sritama Dutta, Gopikrishna Erabatti, “Analysis of H-Plane Discontinuity in a Rectangular Waveguide using Mode Matching Technique” , IAET- 2016
Venkat, P V Siva rao, A K Singh, P Srikrishna, Santhosh Kumar Jha, “Vibration Analysis of printed circuit board plate with varying boundary conditions ”,Intl Conf. on Design Analysis Mfg & Simulation 2016
Venkat, PV Siva Rao, AK Singh, P Srikrishna, “Design Analysis testing of multiaxis vibration fixture for electronic devices”, Intl. Conf. On Design Analysis Mfg & Simulation 2016
Latha Christie, Gopikrishna Erabati, “Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous coupling structures for Coupled cavity TWT”, IEEE 3rd Intl. Conf. on Electrical Electronics Engineering Trends Communication Optimization And Science -Jun 2016
V Latha Christie, Sritama Datta, “Design and comparison of waveguide windows”,6th Intl. Conf. On Advances In Computing & Communications, 2016
V Latha Christie, Payel Mondal, “Mode matching method for the analysis of cascaded discontinuties in a rectangular waveguide”, 6th Intl. Conference On Advance In Computing And Communications 2016
V Nallasamy, S K Datta, SUM Reddy,”Efficiency Enhancement of an S-Band magnetically insulated line oscillator”, Intl. J. of Microwave & Optical Technology (Ijmot 2016), pp.324-331
K Shwetha, V Deepa, S Prasanna Kumar, Santhosh Kumar K, M Ravi, “Porous pellets of tungsten nano powder investigation of surface porosity of machined surfaces”, ICNAN 2016
M Sumathy, SK Datta, “Analysis of Ladder Structures for Broadband W-Band TWT
“, APMC 2016
V Latha Christie, E Gopikrishna, “Particle in cell simulations of a single slot staggered coupled cavity TWT”, APSYM 2016
Srinivas Nekkanti, “Vulnerability of electronic circuits to radiated Electromagnetic fields from an identical EMI source”, INCEMIC 2016
Vishal Kesari, S Karmakar, R Seshadri,”Design of a short length mode launcher for a millimeter wave gyrotron”, Intl. Symposium On Microwaves ISM 2016
Talur Chanakya, P Raja Ramana Rao, SK Datta, “Simulation of RF Breakdown phenomenon in a broadband helix TWT”, ISM 2016
Naveen Kumar Sharma, R Seshadri,,”Design and simulation study of solenoid magnet for mm wave gyrotron”,ISM 2016
M Tejasvi, D Senthil Kumar, R Seshadri, SUM Reddy, “Design and analysis of patch array antenna for maximizing the received power in microwave power transmission”, ISM 2016
Sahana k, Vishal Kesari, S Karmakar, R Seshadri, “Design of a short length mode launcher for a millimeter wave gyrotron”, ISM 2016
Talur Chanakya, P Raja Ramana Rao, S K Datta, S Kamath, Lalit Kumar, “Studies on RF breakdown phenomena in helix TWT” , IVEC 2015
Anurag Srivastava, Santhosh Kumar K, Shivnath Kumar, K S Bhat, Lalit Kumar, “Design and realization aspects of 0.22 THz TWT”, ibid
V Bhanu Naidu, S K Datta, Lalit Kumar, “Multigap Cavity design and particle simulation of W-Band EIK”, ibid
V Bhanu Naidu, K V Rao, S K Datta, Lalit Kumar, “Design of Electron Gun and solenoidal focusing structure for W-Band EIK”, ibid
Sudhamani HS, SUM Reddy, Lalit Kumar, “Analysis of sheet beam folded waveguide slow wave structure for THz TWT”, ibid
Nani M, Mala R, Sidharthan P, Khilawan C, Mirjith K, “Analysis of RF Radiated feedback on MPM Performance”, ibid
Mithilesh Kumar, A K Agrawal, Sushil Raina, Lalit Kumar, “Design of a magnetic focusing structure for high frequency miniature multibeam klystron(MBK)”, ibid
Mita Jana, Latha Christie, and Deepu Augustin, “Design of a transverse focusing structure for mm-wave TWT for Radars” International Radar Symposium of India (IRSI), 2015.
Vishal Kesari, “Analysis of alternate dielectric and metal vane loaded circular waveguide for a wideband gyro TWT” IEEE Trans on EDVol.61,No.3, Mar 2014.
Naveen Kumar Sharma, Khilawan Choudhury, Santhosh Kumar Jha, A J Zabiulla, K Mirjith, P Sidharthan, R Seshadri, S Kamathand Lalit Kumar, “Design and development of microwave power module for multibeam transmitters for ship borne applications” EWCI 2014.
Neeraj Kumar, A K Singh, K Mirjith, Ganapathi Hegde, P Sidharthan, M Santra, SUM Reddy and Lalit Kumar “Design & Development of C-Ku band MPM based transmitter for airborne EW Applications” EWCI 2014.
K V Rao, Talur Chanakya, V Bhanu Naiduand S K Datta “Investigation into a triangular helix slow wave structure” IVEC 2014.
Ashok Bansiwal and S K Datta, “Analytical Modeling of sever loss in a helical slow wave structure” IVEC 2014.
R Hemamalini, P Raja Ramana Rao, K V Rao, S K Datta and S Kamath “Thermal Co simulation of Coaxial RF coupler of a TWT” IVEC 2014.
M Sumathy, V Latha Christie and S K Datta “Analysis of a Planar Inter-digital slow wave structure” IVEC 2014.
P Raja Ramana Rao, Talur Chanakya, SK Datta, S Kamath and L Kumar, “Thermal Co-simulation of depressed collector of a TWT using CST studio” IVEC 2014.
P Raja Ramana Rao and SK Datta, “Analysis of a chiral dielectric loaded folded waveguide slow wave structure” IVEC 2014.
Vishal Kesari, J P Keshari “Inter-woven-disk loaded circular waveguide for a wideband Gyro- Traveling-Wave Tube, “IEEE- transaction on Plasma Science, 41(3), pp 456-60, Mar 2013.
Vishal Kesari and B. N. Basu, “Analysis of beam and magnetic field parameter sensitivity of a disc-loaded wideband gyro-TWT, “IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 41(5), Part 2, pp 1557-1561, May 2013.
M. Sumathy, D. Augustin, S. K. Datta, V. L. Christie and Lalit Kumar, “Design and RF characterization of W-band meander-line and folded-waveguide slow-wave structures for TWTs,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 60(5), pp 1769-1775, May 2013.
M. Santra, Lalit Kumar and J. Balakrishnan, “Analysis of long-periodic permanent magnet structures for electron beam focusing”, IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, 60(5), pp 1776-178, May 2013.
M. Sumathy, S. K. Datta and Lalit Kumar, “Folded meander-line slow wave structure for millimeter wave traveling wave tubes,” 14th International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC-2013, Paris, 21-23 May 2013.
V. B. Naidu, S. K. Datta and Lalit Kumar “Two cavity W-band sheet beam extended interaction klystron simulation,” ibid.
AK. Singh, P. Srikrishna and S. Subramanian, “Numerical modelling of liquid cooled CCTWT collector,” ibid.
A Bansiwal, A. K Agrawal, S. Raina and Lalit Kumar “A technique for resonant frequency measurement of brazed intermediate cavities of Ku-band multiple beam klystron,” ibid.
SUM Reddy, P Siddharthan, HS Sudhamani, S Subramanian, M Santra, SK Datta, S Raina, R Seshadri, S Kamathand and L Kumar, “Development of broadband helix TWTs microwave power modules and transmitters for EW applications, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Electronic Warfare (EWCI-2012), Bangalore, 21-24 Feb 2012, pp 156-160.
M Santra, L Kumar and J Balakrishnan, “Computation of axial magnetic field of ring magnets magnetized along an arbitrary orientation angle with respect to the axis,” Proceedings of National Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications (MagMA-2012), Chennai,12-13 Mar 2012.
V Srivastava,D Kumar, A Jain and, V Kesari, “Simulation of inter-modulation components using SUNRAY code for large-signal analysis of a TWT,” Proceedings XIII IEEE International Vacuum Electronic Conference (IVEC-2012), Monterey, USA, 24-26 Apr 2012, pp 405-406.
M Ravi and KS Bhat, “Simulation of thermionic dispenser cathodes,” ibid, pp 343-344.
M Ravi, K Santosh Kumar, P Durga Devi, KS Bhat and L Kumar, “Improved electron emission from W-Ir dispenser cathodes” ibid.pp. 465-466.
PRR Rao, SK Datta and L Kumar, “Optimization of couplers of TWT using TDR method,” ibid., pp 79-80.
M Sumathy, V Latha Christie, SK Datta and L Kumar, “Analysis of a W-band meander-line slow-wave structure for millimeter-wave travelling-wave tubes,” ibid., pp 461-462.
VB Naidu, SK Datta and L Kumar, “Novel multi helix structure for high frequency application,” ibid., pp 449-450.
Vishal Kesari, C. S. Charyulu, Jayateertha D, R. Hemamalini, S. Karmakar, R. Seshadri, S. Kamath, S. Senthil Kumar, M. Vijayabhaskar and Shankarappa, “Design and development of 100 W C-Ku band helix-TWT,” National Conference on Vacuum Electronic Devices and Applications, VEDA-2012, 21-24 Sep 2012.
S. K. Datta, V. B. Naidu, P. V. Siva Rao, Tapas R. Swain, Amit Kumar Singh, D. Senthil Kumar, P. R. R. Rao, K. V. Rao, U. V. Chandramouli, Y. Muralidhar, C. N. Murthy, K. Mirjith, P. Sidharthan, S. Subramanian, S. U. M. Reddy and Lalit Kumar, “Design and development of an MPM based dual-transmitter,” ibid.
S. Raina, A.K.Agrawal, A. Bansiwal, Mithilesh Kumar, Venkat, M. Vijaykumar, Fazalunnisa B. M, Ravi Ninavath, Santosh Kumar K. and Lalit Kumar, “Development of a 150 W pulsed Ku-band multiple beam klystron,” ibid.
M. Santra, Neeraj Kumar, A. K. Singh, M. Srinivasa Rao, B. Geetha, R. Govindan, G. Hegde, K. Mirjith, P. Sidharthan, S. Subramanian, S. U. M. Reddy and Lalit Kumar, “Design and development of an MPM Based airborne 50 W CW transmitter for EW applications”, ibid.
V. Nallasamy, Amit Kumar, S. K. Datta, S. U. M. Reddy, P. K. Jain and Lalit Kumar, “Simulation investigation of L-band magnetically insulated line oscillator using CST Particle Studio-2011”, ibid.
D. Senthil Kumar and M. J. Thomas, “Measurement of pulsed voltages and currents in a high power microwave system”, ibid.
M. Vijay Kumar, A. K. Agrawal and S. Raina, “Particle-in-cell simulation of a Ku-band multiple beam klystron”, ibid.
A. Srivastava, Santosh Kumar K., M. Ravi, C. N. Murthy and K. S. Bhat, “Experimental study on high current density electron guns”, ibid.
K. Santhosh Kumar, Venkat, M. Ravi and K. S. Bhat, “Development and characterization of multi-emitter cathode”, ibid.
C. N. Murthy, S. Subramanian, P. V. S. Rao and Lalit Kumar, “FEM analysis for thermal deformation of helical SWS,” ibid.
P. V. Siva Rao, P Srikrishna, A. K. Singh and S. Subramanian, “TWT thermal management in airborne transmitters with heat pipes”, ibid.
A. Bansiwal, M. Sumathy and S. K. Datta, “Effect of surface roughness on attenuation constant in folded-waveguide slow-wave structures”, ibid.
S. K. Gupta, Arut Pavai, P. Srikrisna, H. U. Jytosna, V. Nallasamy and H. S. Sudhamani, “Design and development of C-Ku band 1.5 kW (Pulsed) helix TWT”, ibid.
Amit K. Singh, Neeraj Kumar and P. Sidharthan, “A comparative evaluation of SiC Schottky barrier diodes over Si diodes in high power DC-DC converter,” ibid.
Amit K. Singh, Neeraj Kumar and P. Sidharthan, “Performance improvement in high voltage converter for MPMs”, ibid.
K. Choudhary, P. Sidharthan and Zabiulla A. J., “Evaluation of high voltage breakdown in MPM power supply”, ibid.
K. Choudhary, N. K. Sharma, P. Siddharthan, Mirjith K, Bhaskar P. V, S. Senthil Kumar, S. Kamath and Lalit Kumar, “Design and development of MPM based power amplifier for RADAR application”, ibid.
Lalit Kumar “Vacuum electronics in India,” in Proceedings IEEE International Vacuum Electronic Conference (IVEC-2011), Bangalore, 21-24 Feb 2011, pp 7-10.
S Raina, AK Agrawal, M Vijay Kumar, A Bansiwal, MK Geeta, G Abraham, K Kumarand L Kumar, “Design of a K-Ka band helix TWT”, ibid., pp 23-24.
M Ravi, K Santhosh Kumar and KS Bhat, “Tungsten-Rhenium mixed metal matrix cathodes”, ibid., pp 39-40.
A Roy, A Sharma, R Menon, S Mitra, KV Nagesh, DP Chakravarthy, V Sharma, SK Singh, D S Kumar, S Khandekar, VB Somu, S Nekkanti, AK Saini, S Rai and DK Singh, “High power microwave generation from a reflex triode virtual cathode oscillator”, ibid., pp 47-48.
K Santhosh Kumar, M Ravi, S Prasanna Kumar and KS Bhat, “Improved field emission from Cs coated carbon nanotubes”, ibid., pp 99-100.
SK Datta, L Kumar and BN Basu, “Investigation into a metamaterial supported helix slow-wave structure”, ibid,. pp 211-212.
PRR Rao, SK Datta and VA Deshmukh, “Equivalent circuit analysis of a plasma-filled helix slow-wave structure,” ibid., pp 223-224.
M Kumar, M V Kumar, A Bansiwal, AK Agrawal, R Ninavath, Venkat, S Raina and L Kumar, “Design of a high frequency miniature multi beam klystron,” ibid., pp 321-322.
VB Naidu, PRR Rao, N Murthy, SUM Reddy, L Kumar and PK Jain, “Measurement of dispersion and azimuthal interaction impedance of vane-loaded coaxial wave guiding structures,” ibid., pp 341-342.
P Sidharthan, K Mirjith, AJ Zabiulla and S Kamath, “Development of a fast switching modulator for an MPM,” ibid., pp 433-434.
SK Datta, L Kumar and BN Basu, “Pierce-type one-dimensional eulerian hydrodynamic analysis of a plasma-filled helix travelling-wave tube,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 58(3), pp 882-890, Mar 2011.