- Young Scientist of the year award for the year 2017

Shri Vivek Shrivastava, Sc-D receiving the Award
- Path Breaking Research / Outstanding Technology Development for the year 2017 :-

Dr Suman Roy Choudhury, Sc-G and his team
- ESAB India Award-2018 for best paper : Dr A. Gourav Rao presented the paper entitled “Thermal Assisted Friction Stir Welding Of HSLA Steel: A Novel Approach To Mitigate Lower Toughness And Ductility” at the International Congress 2017 (IC-2017) held at the Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai during 7th-9th December, 2017. The paper has been adjudged as the winner of ESAB India Award-2018 for the best paper across all categories
- DRDO@60 Online Innovation Challenge : NavRachna Award: Shri Vivek Shrivastava, Sc-D & Dr Sangram K Rath, Sc-E had participated in the DRDO @60 Online Innovation Challenge: NavRachna and their ideas have been appreciated and recommended for implementation.

Shri Vivek Shrivastava, Sc-D receiving the Award
- NATCOM-2018 Best Paper Presentation Award : Dr Vijay M Nimbalkar, Scientist ‘D’ has received “BEST PAPER” presentation (FIRST PRIZE) AWARD on “Development of Al-Alloys NRC Cast Components for Defence and Automobile Industries.” This paper was presented in Customer Engagement –Technology Aspirations for NextGen Supply Chain & Manufacturing (NATCOM-2018) 4th MAT SELECT, Organized by Indian Institute of Materials Management, Aurangabad, during 22nd & 23rd Nov 2018.

- Best Performance Award for the year 2018 :

Shri U G Suryawanshi, TO-C receiving award
- DRTC Award for Excellence in Technical Performance for the year 2018 :

Dr. Vikas Katkar, TO-B receiving award