At present one project is in progress. Project under NBC Defence Technology, has been successfully completed during last 05 years in which DRDE Gwalior was nodal lab. In addition to this, DRDE was participating lab in 03 other projects with other cluster laboratories.
One Project under NBC Defence Technology and 02 Projects on Biothreat mitigation technologies have also been successfully completed during last 05 years with DRDE Gwalior as Nodal lab.
DRDE Gwalior has developed various products and technologies related to NBC, vector control and human waste disposal technologies. These technologies have been transferred to industry partners for commercialization through MOU for development contracts or Licensing Agreement for Transfer of Technology (LATOT). Technologies have been transferred to Total 153 industry partners including 52 for NBC Products, 75 for Bio digester and 12 for vector control products, 24 for Microbial water testing bottle and diagnostic kits through Expression of Interest (EOI).
In areas of research work relevant to lab research work, DRDE Gwalior has collaboration with academic institutions and national research institutions through grant in aid projects sanctioned by Directorate of ER&IPR, DRDO HQ New Delhi; LSRB, DRDO HQ or CARS Projects. During last five years, DRDE has collaboration with academic institutions i.e. CSIR, JALMA, ATIRA etc. from 2014-2018, 22 Tasks/ Subprojects were sanctioned.