Instrumentation System For Torpedoes

Instrumentation System For Torpedoes

DRDO has designed and developed an onboard instrumentation system for torpedoes. The system comprises 32-bit indigenous Anupama RISC processor to overcome obsolescence of a number of processors. It performs pre-launch communication, monitors health of the torpedo, executes exercise run logic, acquires and stores torpedo parameters online, and operates recovery aids for recovery of torpedo.

The system acquires torpedo propulsion parameters like battery voltage, motor current, motor speed; target parameters like range, bearing, velocity, echo details; and torpedo control parameters like depth, course, roll, pitch and their derivatives. The acquired data is then stored in a non-volatile memory for further analysis. During the dynamic run of the torpedo, the system monitors the health of the torpedo subsystems and terminates its run in case of an alarm or end of run duration.

This system has successfully undergone various sea trials, and can be used in all the future torpedoes.

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