Gun Propellants
Single base Propellants A number of single base compositions have been developed by solvent process for a variety of applications in small arms and gun ammunition. These consist of nitrocellulose with other ingredients like modifiers and stabilizers to control burn rate and other properties. They are extruded into tubular, multi-tubular or honeycomb shapes or spherical balls. These propellants are used in all Indian Small Arms Systems.
Double base Propellants The double base propellants, used for gun projectiles and mortar ammunition, consist of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine along with other additives. A large number of compositions have been formulated and developed in a variety of configurations.
Triple base Propellants These propellants can be extruded to any shape by solvent and solvent less processes. They help to achieve high energy at lower flame temperature and thus help reduce barrel wear.
High Energy propellant These propellants are developed for120 mm FSAPDS Ammunition for MBT Arjun.
LOVA propellants These propellants are developed for special applications and are based on NC, Fine RDX and Cellulose Acetate.