National Science Day Oration-2019


Dr Rashmi Aggarwal, Scientist 'E', delivered NSD oration-2019 on the topic "Developing a deeper insight into the changing etiologies and varied clinical presentation of the metabolic master: The Thyroid Gland" at INMAS Delhi.In this study presented by orator, she presented that the Hypothyroidism is not an isolated entity. Autoimmune thyroiditis, itself being an autoimmune disease makes one susceptible to the whole spectrum of other autoimmune diseases. Untreated hypothyroidism puts you at risk of developing cardio metabolic derangements like hypertension, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovarian disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A Pilot study was conducted to evaluate the association between subclinical hypothyroidism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children and was found that children with subclinical hypothyroidism had hepatic stetatosis and elevated liver enzymes which were significantly higher than age and sex matched controls. Therefore, children diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism should be followed up meticulously. Untreated hyperthyroidism in pregnancy can have detrimental effects on the mother as well as her growing foetus. Estimating TRAb antibodies in hypothyroid mothers will help us in improving pregnancy outcomes and so for the first time in the history of INMAS, the department was performing TRAb antibodies for the same. Orator explained that the fascinating journey of changing aetiologies and varying clinical presentation of the small gland whose secretion controls metabolism of the whole body. Her leading edge work has provided newer insights into the study of hyperthyroidism and its treatment, which has greatly strengthened the visibility of INMAS and DRDO in global medical forums.

Dr. Tarun Sekhri, Director INMAS Delhi, presented NSD Silicon medal and certificate to Dr Rashmi Aggarwal, in the function organized by HRD INMAS on 28 February 2019 at Main Seminar Hall Delhi.

National Science Day Oration-2019
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