Dr. V N Krishnamurthy, Sc ‘H’ (Retd.), VSSC/ISRO inaugurated the course on 26th Dec 2018 and delivered the keynote address on Application of Nano Size Ingredients in Solid Rocket Propellants. He also released a compendium of lecture notes on the occasion. Twenty-Six participants from various DRDO laboratories like GTRE, HEMRL, SSQAG and ACEM participated in the course. Shri Srinivasan Seshadri, General Manager, ACEM welcomed the participants from various laboratories and emphasized the importance of application of Nanosized Ingredients in futuristic propellant compositions.
A total of nine lectures was delivered covering basics of Nanoscience and Technology, Synthesis of Nano Transition Metal Oxides, Nano explosives, Nano Boron, Nano Aluminium, Characterisation of Nano Ingredients, their application in Solid Propellants along with handling, storage and safety aspects of Nanomaterials. Speakers were invited from DRDO Laboratories, DIAT, NCL, Ozar College and local industry. Visit to the laboratory and other processing and testing facilities at ACEM was also conducted as part of the course.
The programme concluded with the valedictory function on 28th Dec. 2018 afternoon. Dr. R. K. Pandey, OS and Associate Director, HRMRL, Pune graced the session as the Chief Guest and gave away certificates and prizes to the participants. Dr. S C Bhattacharyya, Sc ‘G’ was the Course Director and Shri R S Patil, Sc ‘E’ was the Course Coordinator.