May 11, 2017Challenges to India's National Security - an Agenda for 2030PDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. 433 KBSh. Jayant Prasad, Director General IDSA Former Ambassador of Afghanistan, Algeria and Nepal
May 11, 2016Role of Science Education and Technology for 'Make in India': ChallengesPDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. 133 KBProf. VK Singh, Director IISER Bhopal
May 11, 2015How Brains Work and How the DRDO can Transform Brain Research and its ApplicationsPDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. 80 KBDr. K. Vijay Raghavan, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India
May 12, 2014National Technology Day OrationPDF file that opens in new window. To know how to open PDF file refer Help section located at bottom of the site. 387 KBShri K S Nagesh, Sc 'F', ADA Bangalore
Shri S Pazhanikumar, Sc 'F', CVRDE Chennai
Shri Sharique Ali, Sc 'C', ITR Chandipur
Ms Rachita Juneja, Sc 'D', SAG Delhi
May 11, 2013National Technology Day OrationShri SS Sundaram, DS & CC R&D (ECS & LIC)
May 11, 2013Design, development and testing of conical composite rocket motor casingShri Rajesh Addanki, Sci 'D', ASL, Hyderabad
May 11, 2013Electronically steered conformal sitcom antenna for airbone applicationsShri Pramendra Kumar, Sci 'C', DEAL, Dehradun
May 11, 2013Emerging technologies for avalanche forecasting in Indian himalayasShri Amreek Singh, Sci 'E', SASE, Chandigarh
May 11, 2012National Technology Day OrationDr V K Saraswat, SA to RM, Secretary Def R&D and DG DRDO
May 11, 2012Identification of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) and their MarkersDr DK Dubey, Scientist F, DRDE, Gwalior
May 11, 2012Development of Machining Technologies for Composites and CeramicsDr S Sai Kumar, Sc F, DRDL, Hyderabad
May 11, 2012On the challenges in developing the Weapon Locating Radar (WLR)Ms V Sangamithra, Scientist F, LRDE, Bangalore
May 11, 2011National Technology Day OrationDr W Selvamurthy Distinguished Scientist & CC R&D (LS & DIC)
May 11, 2011Conceptual Design Technology of UAVs/Aircraft A New MethodologyShri M Kuppannan, Sci F, ADE Bangalore
May 11, 2011Development of Manufacturing and Process Technologies for Critical Components of the AERO Gas Turbine EngineShri K Srinivasulu, Sci F, GTRE Bangalore
May 11, 2011Target Detection from Multi-Resolution Remote Sensing Satellite ImagesDr Debasis Chaudhuri, Sci E, DEAL, Dehradun
May 11, 2011Herbal Biodiversity of Western HimalayasDr HK Pandey, Sci D, DIBER Haldwani
May 11, 2010Evolutionary architecture for realizing Network centric electronic warfareSh. Shri SK Gupta, Sci G , DLRL, Hyderabad
May 11, 2010Bone Conduction communication & its applicationsSmt DT Shakunthala, Sci E , DEBEL, Bangalore
May 11, 2010Development of two pulse solid rocket Motor technologySh M Rathnam Sci D , ASL, Hyderabad
May 11, 2009Advances in shaped charge warhead technologySh. Sh. S Harikrishnan, Sc. E , ARDE, Pune
May 11, 2009Development of indigenous armour technologiesDr T. Balakrishna Bhat, Sc. G , DMRL, Hyderabad
May 11, 2009Technology development in heat capacity disk laser for tactical weapon applicationSh. Anup Lal Shah, Sc. E , LASTEC, Delhi
May 15, 2008PGM Technology for ArmamentsSh. A. S. Asthana, Sc. 'E', ARDE, Pune
May 15, 2008High Performance Parallel Architectures for Radar Signal ProcessingSh. M Prakash Narayanan, Sc 'E', LRDE, Bangaluru
May 15, 2008Explosive for Modern Weapon: Plastic Bonded ExplosiveSh M M Verma, Sc'F', TBRL, Chandigarh
May 11, 2007Development of field manual for preventive management of suicide and fratricide among troops deployed in counter insurgency areasMrs. Nishi Misra, Sc. 'D', DIPR, Delhi
May 11, 2007Hardware virtualization for embedded systemsSh. K. Ananda Babu, Sc. 'C', ANURAG, Hyderabad
May 11, 2007Design & development studies on silicon capacitive micro accelerometerSh. M.S.Y. Siva Prasad, Sc. 'E', RCI, Hyderabad
Feb 28, 2007Bio-fuel : Indian PerspectivesDr. P. K. Ghosh, Director, CSMCRI, Bhav Nagar
May 11, 2006Furistic UAVs : Enabling Technologies and Concept of OperationsSh. G. Shivasankaran, Sc. 'G', ADE, Banglore
May 11, 2006Cognitive Radio- The Future of Software Radio TechnologySh. Shankar Mahto, Sc. 'F', DEAL, Dehradun
May 11, 2006Comprehensive Battery of Cognitive Assessment (CBCA)Dr. (Mrs.) Soumi Awasthy, Sc. 'E', DIPR, Delhi
Feb 28, 2006Multi-disciplinary approach to NanotechnologyProf V Ramgopal Rao, IIT, Mumbai
May 11, 2005Development and Application of Technologies for Information SecurityDr. G. Athithan, Sc. 'G', CAIR, Bangalore
May 11, 2005Technology for Improving Cancer TherapyDr. B.S.Dwarakanath, Sc. 'F', INMAS, Delhi
May 11, 2005Development of Technology leading to fabrication of 16X15 Ti Bolometer IR Sensor arraysSh. C.R. Jalwania, Sc. 'E', SSPL, Delhi
Feb 28, 2005Prof K L Chopra, Ex Director, IIT KharagpurTailored Nanomaterials
May 11, 2004Sh. N. Venkataramanan, Sc. C, ANURAG,HyderabadDevelopment of three Dimensional Scientific Visualization Software System for data generated by CFD, FEM and Medical Imaging.
May 11, 2004Dr. S. Sridhar, Sc E, CVRDE, ChennaiCritical Technologies for Modern Running Gear System of Armoured Fighting Vehicles.
May 11, 2004Dr. Neeru Kapoor, Sc D, DIPAS, DelhiCarbogen Breathing System for Safety of Soldiers in Noise
Feb 28, 2004Dr D Balasubramanian Director, LV Prasad Eye Hospital, HyderabadDecoding Human Genome : What we have learnt"
Jul. 3, 2003Sh. Anupam Srivastava, Executive Director, India Initiative and South Asia Programme Dr. Seema Gahlaut, Director, South Asia Programme Centre for International Trade and Security, University of GeorgiaTechnology Control Regime: Implication for Indian R & D
May 11, 2003Sh. Kuloor, LRDE, BangloreVLSI based Single Board Radar Signal Processor
May 11, 2003Sh. G. P. Rai, DRDE, GwaliorTythigen Kit: An Instant Detection of Typhoid Fever
May 11, 2003Sh. Jagannath Nayak, RCI, HyderabadDesign and Development of Control and Inertial Grade Fibre Optic Gyroscope
Apr. 23, 2003Amitav Malik, Adviser, National Security Advisory BoardTechnology and National Security
Mar. 25, 2003Prof. Jitendera Behari, School of Env. Sciences, JNUBiological Correlates of Electromagnetic field exposures
Feb. 28, 2003Dr. N. K. Ganguli, Director General, ICMRChallenges in Rheumatic fever/ Rheumatic Heart Deceases-An Overview
Aug. 13, 2002Dr. Animesh JhaOptical Fibre Amplifiers Material & Fibre Design Issues
May 24, 2002Dr. R.A.Mashelkar, FRS, D.G.CSIR & Secretary, DSRIIntellectual Property Rights and the Rights of the Poor
May 11, 2002Sh. DRSV Verma, Sc. 'D', GTRE, BangalorePrecision Manufacturing Technolgoy for Gas Trubine Aero Engine
May 11, 2002Dr. S.Senthil Kumaran, Sc. 'C', INMAS, DelhiImage Visualisation S/W on PC Platform
Feb. 28, 2002Prof. P.Balaram, I ISC, Bangalore Dr. V.K.Aatre, SA to RMThe Expending Frontier of Biology National Science Day Address
Dec. 07, 2001Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Chair man, Atomic Energy commission & Secretary , Dept. of Atomic EnergyEmerging Trends in Atomic Energy
Nov. 28, 2001Dr. A.W.Deshpande, Former Dy. Director, NEERI, NagpurApplication of Soft Computing to Environmental Management Systems
Nov. 22, 2001Dr. R.V.Swamy CCR&D (MLS), DRDOPreventive Action against Chemical and Bio Terrorism
Sept. 09, 2001Dr. A.Subraminum, Project Director, CARTOSAT-2Remote Sensing Programme of ISRO.
May 05, 2001Dr. M.K.Patra, DRDL Dr. D.C.Goswami, DRLTechnology Day Celebration Electromagnetic Design, Sensitivity analysis and testing of variable thickness of random for LCA. Development of Iron Removal unit for water purification.
April 19, 2001Dr. (Mrs.) Manju Sharma, Secy., Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Environment and Forests.Recent Trends in Biotechnology and Indian Scenario.
Feb. 28, 2001Prof. Vinod K. Gaur, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Banglore.National Science Day Celebration Talk on : Kinematics of the Indian plate and Bhuj earth quake
Dec. 20, 2000Prof. A.P.Mitra, FRS, Ex-DG, CSIRFrontiers of Science: Endangered earth
Nov. 16, 2000Cmde Uday Bhaskar, Dy. Director, IDSAIndia's Security Challenges: Post Kargil
Aug. 24, 2000Prof. S.K.Brahmachari, Head, Funcational Genomics Unit & Director, CSIRLife Beyond the human Genom Sequence : Bytes, Beauty, Biology
May 11, 2000By DRDO Headquarters'National Science Day celebrations' Talks on
  • Cold desert agrihorticultural technologies
  • Samyukta overview.
Feb. 28, 2000Prof. M.A.Vishwamirtra, Prof. Emeritus, IISC, Banglore'National science day celebration' Talk on 'Crystallography in Biology'
Sept. 24, 1999B.K.Asha, Director, BK Raj Yoga Centre, 25 New Rohtak Road, New Delhi - 5'Making your mind your best friend'
Aug 11, 1999Dr. Mandayam A. Srinivasan, Director, MIT Touch Lab, Cambridge, USAHands & Brain: Haptic Explorations in virtual reality.
July. 30, 1999Ms. Arundhati GhoshInternational Arms control. Disarmament treaties and the new world order
May 27, 1999Sh. Dewang Mehta, President, NASSCOM, 109, Ashok Hotel, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-21India will become a software super power in next decade: Myth or Reality?
Feb. 26, 1999Prof. Bharthi Bhat, CARE, IIT, New Delhi
Prof. S.K.Kaul, CARE, IIT, New Delhi
Prof. T.K.Ghoshal, Jadavpur University. Kolkata
Sh. NH Sathya Raja, ADE, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore
Dr. Vikram Kumar, SSPL, Delhi
Dr. HP Vyas, SSPL, Delhi
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, SA to RM
National Science Day Celebrations National Science Day address
Jan 21, 1999Sh. Shiv KheraWinners don't do different things, They do things differently.
Dec. 15, 1998Prof. Tapan K. Bose, Director, Hydrogen Research Institute, University - du Qubec a Trios-Rivieres, PO Box 500, Quebec Cananda Ca A5H7Hydrogen for Energy
Sept. 24, 1998S.Satish, Dy. Director, ISREL, Manager International Coooperation, ISRO, Head Quarter, New BEL Road, Bangalore - 560 094R & QA Management in ISRO
Aug. 27, 1998Dr. A.K.Sen Gupta, M.D., FITT, IIT, New DelhiCompetitiveness in Industry - Role of Interaction with knowledge Institutions.
Aug. 04, 1998Prof. (Dr. )MNS Swamy, Cancordia University, Montreal, QUEBEC, Canada.
Advances & Trends in Digital Signal Processing
Feb. 27, 1998Prof. Tapan Sarkar, Visiting Professor, Syracusa University USADevelopment on Wireless & Role of Prof. J.C.Bose.
Feb. 17, 1998Prof. Richard Halsey, Dean, Emeritus School of library and information Stat University of New York , AlbanyThe future of the Internet: Open Doorway to the information galaxy.
Jan 16, 1998Dr. Anil Agarwal, Director, Centre for Science and Environment, New DelhiConversation of Environment : Role of S&T
Dec. 09, 1997Dr. (Mrs.) Pragati Mukhopadhyay, Sr. Scientist, ACRE, IAT, BombayMagneto: Optic Field Sensor
April 11, 1997Dr. B.B.Singh, BARCRadio modifiers in human health
Feb. 28, 1997Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, SA to RM
Dr. Y.S.Rajan, Senior Advisor, C.I.I.
'National science day celebration' Technology vision 2020
Jan. 16, 1997Dr. Sujata Mitra, Sr. Vice President , NIITAdaptive Systems : Beyond virtual reality
Nov. 13, 1996Sh. K.S.Subramanium, Formar Director - IDSAAfter CTBT
Aug. 27, 1996Dr. A.P.Mitra, Formar DGSIRGlobal Environmental changes - Indian programme and perspective
Feb 29, 1996Dr. R.A.Mashelkar, D.G - C.S.I.RWe can do it
Oct. 27, 1995Prof.J.C.Bhattacharya , Formar Director, Indian Institute of Astro-physics, BangloreSolar Eclipse
Sept. 13, 1995Prof. R.Rama Rao, Scientist, DRDO'Diamonds'
July 28, 1995Dr. N.Sheshagiri Special Secy Planning Commision & DG NICInformation Superhighways - Present Trends and Future Perspectives
July 21, 1995Dr. S.S.Murthy, Director DESIDOCAccessing world S & T Information Technology
May 17, 1995Dr. P.C.Angelo Dy. D.G. Defence Planning StaffTechnology Management
Feb 28, 1995Prof . Indira Nath, Head, Dept of Biotechnolgy AIIMS, New DelhiNew Challenges of Infectious diseases.
Feb 28, 1995Prof. G.K.Rath, Head Dept. of Radiotherapy AIIMS, New DelhiProblems of Cancer Management in India
Jan 18, 1995Dr. W.Selvamurthy, Director, DIPASStress Management: Physiological and Psychological Perspectives.
Dec. 22, 1994Dr. J.Bajaj, Rockwell International Corp. USAThermal Imaging for Defence & Commercial Applications
Nov. 16, 1994Prof. P.Raghunathan Head, Dept. of NMR. AIIMS, New DelhiMagnetic Resonance Imaging & Spectroscopy in the Medical Sciences.
Oct. 04, 1994Prof. M.G.K.MenonRecent Advances in Science and Technology and their applications for the future.
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