Dr VK Saraswat
SA to RM, DG DRDO & Secretary,
Department of Defence R&D
[01.09.2009 – 31.05.2013]
An eminent missile scientist, Dr Vijay Kumar Saraswat, spearheaded the development of the country’s strategic and tactical missile systems. He is the key scientist in the development of the Prithvi missile and its induction in the Indian Armed Forces.
Dr Saraswat was responsible for the development of the country’s first Liquid Propulsion Engine and missiles namely, Prithvi, Dhanush, and Prahaar. He is the principal architect of the ballistic missile defence programme, which included major technology breakthroughs. The successive interceptions of incoming target ballistic missiles at exo and endo atmospheres are a testimony to his dedicated efforts and exploitation of limited technological resources. He played a key role in developing a number of critical technologies denied to India due to the Missile Technology Control Regime.