Limited No of Licenses available as on date | 40 Numbers |
Priority | On first come first serve basis |
ToT License Fee (for each License) | Rs 15,00,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs only) |
The industries seeking ToT must write name of the technology in the email.
ToT will be given to industry on first come first serve basis only meeting all the terms and conditions of DRDO guidelines of ToT
Bio-digester technology has been developed by DRDO for resolving the problems of un-decomposed human waste. The innovation is eco-friendly.
The License of the technology consist of following segments
- Bacteria Manufacturing
- For High Altitude Regions
- For Plain Regions
- For Mobile Systems such as Buses, Railways etc.
Bio-digester utilizes an anaerobic process in which bacteria feed upon the faecal matter inside the tank and finally degrades the matter.
The Bio-digester tank can be customised and manufactured as per requirement.
Salient Features are:
- No bad odour in toilets from the tanks
- Faecal matter not visible in the tank
- Non clogging type
- Effluent is free from off odour and solid waste
- Reduction in pathogens by 99% and organic matter by 90%
- Maintenance Free
- No requirement of adding bacteria/ enzyme and removal of solid waste
- Use of phenyl is permitted up to certain extent
- No infestation of cockroaches & flies
License Period : 5 Years, subjected to renewal meeting all terms and conditions
Royalty : No Royalty will be charged up to Dec 2019. (after Dec 2019, Royalty will be charged as per DRDO guidelines for ToT)