DSJ Volume 70| Issue 06

Defence Science Journal Alka SuriView Pdf
Experimental and Numerical Study of Magnetorheological Clutch with Sealing at Larger Radius DiscManish Kumar Thakur, Chiranjit SarkarView Pdf
Utilisation of Ram Air Turbine on a Fighter Platform for Energy Extraction Failure Mode StudyArunachaleswaran Arumugam, Shyni Thomas, Muralidhar Madhusudan, S. Elangovan, M. SundararajView Pdf
Effects of Mg Al Alloy Powder on the Combustion and Infrared Emission Characteristics of the Mg Al PTFE Viton CompositionToan Nguyen Trung, Nhung Nguyen Thi CamView Pdf
Study on High Energy Propellant Waste in the Processing of Fired Clay BricksP.K. Mehta, A. Kumaraswamy, V. K. Saraswat, Praveen Kumar B.View Pdf
Ultra high Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete Panel Subjected to Severe Blast LoadingViet-Chinh Mai, Ngoc-Quang Vu, Van-Tu Nguyen, Hoang PhamView Pdf
A Hybrid Computational Intelligence based Technique for Automatic Cryptanalysis of Playfair CiphersMaiya Din, Saibal K. Pal, S. K. Muttoo, Sushila MadanView Pdf
Analysis and Prediction of Alerts in Perimeter Intrusion Detection SystemRizul Aggarwal, Anjali Goswami, Jitender Kumar, Gwyneth Abdiel ChullaiView Pdf
Constacyclic and Linear Complementary Dual Codes Over Fq + uFqOm Prakash, Shikha Yadav, Ram Krishna VermaView Pdf
Design of RF Receiver Front end Subsystems with Low Noise Amplifier and Active Mixer for Intelligent Transportation Systems ApplicationShivesh Triapthi, B. Mohapatra, Prabhakar Tiwari, Nagendra Prasad Pathak, Manoranjan ParidaView Pdf
SWaP Optimised Parameter Extraction of Radar Signals for Space Electronic Intelligence ApplicationR. K. Niranjan, A. K. Singh, C. B. Rama RaoView Pdf
Cathodoluminescence Studies of Nanoindented CdZnTe Single Crystal Substrates for Analysis of Residual Stresses and Deformation BehaviourHemant Kumar Sharma, Raghvendra Sahai Saxena, Aditya Gokhale, Ashok Kapoor, Rajesh Prasad, Rajesh Kumar SharmaView Pdf
Microstructure and Wear of Cathodic Arc Physical Vapour Deposited on TiAlN, TiCrN and n TiAlN Alpha Si3N4 FilmsManish Roy, Sabyasachi Saha, Krishna ValletiView Pdf
Thermo mechanical and Control Behaviour of Copper based Shape Memory Alloy Bimorph Actuator towards the Development of Micro Positioning SystemM. Muralidharan, S. Jayachandran, M. Yogeshwaran, A. S. Shivaani, I. A. PalaniView Pdf
Two Dimensional Materials for Military ApplicationsDoğuş Özkan, M. Cenk Özekinci, Zeynep Taşlıçukur Öztürk, Egemen SulukanView Pdf
Potential of Multi constellation Global Navigation Satellite System in Indian Missile Test Range ApplicationsMrinal Goswami, Somnath Mahato, Rowdra Ghatak, Anindya BoseView Pdf
Power Spectral Density Computation and Dominant Frequencies Identification from the Vibration Sensor Output under Random Vibration EnvironmentR. Srinivasan, Tessy Thomas, Bopanna LakshmiView Pdf
DMR 1700 Low Cost High Performance Steel for Defence ApplicationsV. V. KutumbaraoView Pdf
Reviewers List of Defence Science Journal 2020Defence Science JournalView Pdf
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