Technology CategoryTechnology Development TaskLab
AI/ML TechnologySwarm Algorithms for multiple AUVsNSTL
Adaptive/Cooperative control & guidance algorithms for AUVsNSTL
AUV Sub-system level Fault Detection & Identification from Post Trial DataNSTL
AI/ML algorithms for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)NSTL
AI/ML algorithms for Underwater Weapons and DecoysNSTL
Autonomous Systems and RoboticsAutonomous Underwater TargetNSTL
Electrical WinchCompact electrical winch for Towed array launch and recovery for Torpedo Defence SystemsNPOL
Electromechanical Tow CableCompact electro mechanical Tow cable for Torpedo Defence SystemsNPOL
ExplosivesExtremely Insensitive Detonating Substances (EIDS) TechnologyNSTL
Homing SystemHoming System for High Speed TorpedoNSTL
LR ArrayNew Technology LR Array Advanced Technologies for Torpedo Defence SystemsNPOL
Network EnabledNetwork Centric Combat System for underwater defence applicationNSTL
Networked Towed array for Torpedo Defence SystemsNPOL
Underwater Network Centric mine field algorithmsNSTL
PropulsionSupercavitation TechnologyNSTL
Underwater MinesMobile Warhead MineNSTL
SonarSide-scan & Gap Filler Sonar for Man Portable AUVsNSTL
Clip-On Towed Array for XLAUVNSTL
Counter CountermeasureCounter Counter-Measure Algorithms for torpedoes & minesNSTL
Sensors/DetectorsELFE Sensors for ship/submarine detectionNSTL
Self Motion Compensation incorporated Magnetic Anomaly Detection SensorNSTL
Seismic & Optronic Sensors for underwater applicationsNSTL
Long Range Non-acoustic Target DetectionNSTL
Underwater Acoustic Seeker Systems for High Speed Torpedo(>80 knots)NSTL
Data Fusion driven systems for Passive Target DetectionNSTL
Simluation FrameworkIntegrated Environment & Target signature Simulation Framework for performance analysis of algorithms targeted towards passive detection of ship/submarineNSTL
Simulation Framework for Life Estimation for Mechanical Consumables & Electronic ComponentsNSTL
Simulator for analysis of CONOPs via performance metrics & Scheme for estimation of Kill-Probabilities for Underwater Weapons (delivered aerially or underwater / single shot & salvo)NSTL
Underwater Noise Simulation for use in target detection algorithm developmentNSTL
TorpedoUnderwater docking system for retrieval of AUV to midget submarine/torpedo to submarine tube/ man-portable AUV to midget submarine or Combat XLAUVNSTL
All weather Precision Glide Add on kit for range enhancement of air launched lightweight torpedoes.NSTL
Biomimitic structures for drag reduction & power optimization.NSTL
MaterialsSmart-Material based Surface Coating for AUV for avoidance of detection by traditional sonarNSTL
SoCVery Low Power Open Architecture based SoC for AI/ML applicationsNSTL
Underwater Hybrid VehiclesConfiguration of a solar powered autonomous surface & underwater vehicle for covert ISR operationsNSTL
Configuration of Long Life Modular Submarine Docking Station on Sea-Bed as Control Centre for AUV swarmsNSTL
Underwater MinesConfiguration of Super-Cavitating Bullets for destroying mines deployed in shallow watersNSTL
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