Aerodynamics Panel- Optimization of aerodynamics designs
- Experimental gas flows
- Layering and stabilization of flows
- Shock tubing
- Optical flow diagnostics, Vortex and computational fluid dynamics
- Algorithm development
- Coding for numeracy in gas dynamics
Aerospace Resources Panel- Institution of awards for Innovative design & projects
- Invited Lectures
- Information Technology for Aerospace Applications
- Rapid Information flow systems
- Organizing Workshops, Seminars, training in aeronautics
- Writing Monographs in aeronautics
Materials & Manufacturing PanelMATERIALS - Feedstock Powder making for Additive Manufacturing
- Nb/C103 powders
- Ti alloy powders
- Al 7XXX and 2XXX alloy powders
- Inconel superalloy powders
- Material Characterization and Mechanical Properties
- Ultra high temperatures
- Cryogenic temperature
- High strain rate loading
- Static and dynamic loading conditions
- Multiaxial loading
- Ceramics and Composites
- SiC based ceramics and composites
- TiB2 based composites
- Ceramic cores for aerospace components
- Ceramic shell making
- Smart Materials
- Self healing materials
- Self reporting materials
- Self repairing materials
- Meta materials
- Technical Textiles
- Damping materials
- Thermoelectric materials
- Self cleaning materials
- Sensors and actuator materials for SHM
- Materials & Design
- AI/ML based design
- Computational materials design
- Process modelling and simulation
- Integrated computational materials design
- Materials for quantum computing
- Cellular materials
- Protective Materials for CBRN threats
- Radome materials
- High density materials
- Development of Mechanical properties database for metals and alloys
MANUFACTURING - Surface Engineering
- Corrosion
- Nitriding or laser nitriding
- Laser or shot peening of surfaces
- Catalytic degradation of surfaces
- Anti
- icing paint
- Surface Coatings
- Oxidation of refractive alloys
- Smart Manufacturing
- Industry 4.0
- Digitial twin technology
- Shop floor automation
- AI/ML for manufacturing
- Additive Manufacturing
- AM of Composites
- AM of SMAs
- AM of Al alloys
- AM of high energy materials
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Hybrid manufacturing
- Ti
- Ni based brazing
- Insitu characterization of defects during welding
- Hybrid casting
- Forming of complex shapes
- Machining of super alloys, hard ceramics, and extreme materials
- Sustainable manufacturing
- Processing of high temperature ceramics
- Noise/Vibration free manufacturing of gear boxes
- Micro and Nano Manufacturing
- Optical component manufacturing
- Strain wave gears
- Precision and bulk preform manufacturing
- Systems and Design Manufacturing
- Soft robotics
- Manufacturing of UAV
- Reliability and Life assessment
- Aging structures
- Smart and Intelligent structures
- Small drones and Swarms
- Polymer based soft robotics
- Reverse engineering
- Adaptive morphing
- Stealth
- Structural health monitoring
- Metrology and Inspection
- Developing a Database for Manufacturing
Propulsion Panel- Aero Gas Turbine Engines
- Ramjet Engines
- Scramjet Engines
- Variable Cycle Engine
- Electric / More Electric Engines
- Distributed propulsion / Blended wing
- Rocket Propulsion
- Pulse Detonation Engine
- Advanced Propulsion Systems for fighter aircrafts, missiles and other aerospace vehicles.
- Specific Research Areas:
- Conceptual design, performance prediction & simulation of Gas Turbine Engines
- Aero-thermo-mechanical design of Turbo-machinery & Combustion systems
- Structural & aerodynamic testing and analysis
- Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Analysis
- Aerofoil Design for turbine Nozzle Guide Vanes
- High Power Electric motors/Generators
- Boltless rotor and stator LP Turbine
- Advanced / Optimum flame holder Afterburner
- Blockage - Screech Suppression
- Turbine blade cooling
- Specific Thrust Areas pertinent to Gas Turbine Combustors (GTC) are:
- Sub Idle Performance Modelling of GT Engine
- Ignition Modelling in GTCs (ANSYS Fluent + Realistic Geometry)
- Cooling of GTC Liner with Impingement combined with Effusion (Experimental & CHT Based Analyses using ANSYS Fluent)
- Theoretical Consideration of Boron Based JP10 Slurry / Gel Fuels Combustion in GTCs using Fundamental Thermo Chemical & Physical aspects
- CFD/CHT Analysis of Combustor using Boron Based JP10 Slurry / Gel Fuels
- Specific Thrust area pertinent to Gas turbine Compressors:
- Proposals should be helpful for design methodology of inverse design of airfoils. Capability to create new aerofoil in cascades DCA ,MCA,S-type and C: A data bank of airfoils for transonic Mach numbers, essential for any engine development programme. This data may form the basis and starting point for the design exercise.
- Active and passive tip clearance control in axial compressor for a gas turbine engine.
Space Technologies Panel Advance Sensors and AOCS for Space
- In-Orbit LIDAR Systems for debris tracking
- Small, low weight Telescope for monitoring the space debris
- Quantum Gravimeters to analyze small variations in the gravitational fields
- Neuromorphic Sensors to detect fast moving objects in space
- Advanced lonosonders to detect variations in the charged particles of the ionosphere
- Advance Star Sensors on board spacecraft
- Control Moment Gyroscope
Communication Systems for Space - Satellite based Relays for intersatellite links.
- High accuracy Antenna Pointing Mechanism
- High Speed Terahertz Communication
- Secure Quantum Communication
- Disruption Tolerant Networks
Advanced Energy Systems for Space - High efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells
- Tin Sulfide Solar Cells
- Wireless Power Transmission in space
Structural and Thermal Design, Materials, Advanced Manufacturing for Space - 3D Printing for Spacecraft
- Metamaterials for Spacecraft Antenna
- Heat pumps and cry coolers for thermal management in spacecraft
Autonomy, robotics in Space and on-board processing - In-Orbit Robotics for grabbing space debris
- AI based Autonomous Spacecraft navigation for self-protection
- Advanced on-boarding data processing based on edge computing
Propulsion for Spacecraft - Electric Propulsion
- Green Propulsion
- Plasmonic Propulsion
Structures Panel- Smart structures, 3D Composites, Polymer Matrix Composites and Nano Composites
- Thermoplastic Composite Technology
- Digital Twin Technologies
- Application of AI & ML concepts in aerospace structures design, testing and health assessment
- Recycling of Composites
- Damage tolerant design philosophy development for all the critical aerospace systems / components, parts of the engine including hot parts.
- Design of Radome Structure for Airborne Surveillance Antenna to meet Aerodynamic, Structural & Electromagnetic Functional Requirements
- Lightning Testing on Antenna Structure as per RTCA-DO-160
- Bird Strike – Explicit FE & Testing to meet FAR 25 / Equivalent requirements
- Reliability studies on composite structures - statistical techniques.
- Dynamic analysis of the rotor systems to simulate the non-linear vibrations and responses.
- Engine Predictive Health and Life analysis
- Two way transient Fluid Structure Interaction studies. Aeroelastic effects on Highly loaded Fan and Compressor blisks & Aero-thermo-elasticity of Compressor and Turbine blades.
- Impact analysis towards assessment of FOD and DOD damages for life and safety of metal & composite engine components. Hard / sand particle impact on Fan blade and its detrimental effect on the life of the blade. Hailstone impact damage assessment on engine.
- High-fidelity aero-thermal-structural integrated simulations and experimental validation.
- Active/Adaptive Aero elastic surfaces, Aero Servo Elastic analysis
- Hybrid structures for improved durability and damage tolerance
- Onboard Health Monitoring and crack growth measurements
- Structural Design for high shocks
- Fatigue Life of aircraft components: Modeling and Testing
- Hygro-thermal-mechanical fatigue of composite structures and joints
- Aero-acoustic scattering in case of aero structures
- Buckling, post-buckling and collapse of composite stiffened panels (static and dynamic (crushing)) subjected to combined loading.
- Progressive failure analysis of composite structures (multi-scale modeling)
- Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) - correlation of manufacturing defects with reduction in strength and stiffness and prognostics
- Advanced Sensors (FBGs etc) and Technologies for NDE and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
Systems & Systems Engineering Panel- Systems study Mechanical, Electrical and structures
- Failure mode analysis(FMECA/FMEA)
- Sensors identification & optimal locations and correlation of symptoms
- Trends, Feature identification and sensor data fusion algorithms for diagnostics and prognostics.
- Methodology to estimate consumed life and Remaining Useful Life(RUL)
- Test rigs/Model development
- System/LRU modelling, validation of models with seeding of identified faults
- LRU test rig development eg bearings ,valves, generators, valves, Gear box
- Model validation/tuning with test rig data
- Autonomous aircraft operations
- Algorithm development, sensor development and Multisensor data fusion for autonomous aircraft operations ,terrain following and autonomous air to air refuelling.
- Reconfiguration algorithms to cater for sensor failure
- Coordinated flying of multiple aircraft
- Path following algorithm development
- Network centric warfare algorithm development
- Sensor and avoid algorithm development
- Algorithm development for automatic target recognition for aircraft applications
- Multi band image processing(IR &visual)
- Image tracking and recognition
- Multi spectral band image fusion and comparison
- Neural network for learning
- Algorithm development for target state estimation in dynamic environment using multiple sensors
- Association & correlation algorithm
- Tracking and state estimation algorithms
- Target track formulation and behaviour analysis development
- Algorithm development for 3D audio voice warning applications
- Implementation of different DSP function to generate direction of a sound for different head positions.
Unmanned Aero Systems PanelDesign of Unmanned Aero Systems such as Solar UAV, Rotary UAV, Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE), HALE, Unmanned bomber etc. Aerodynamics - UAV Unsteady aerodynamics, low Reynolds number aerodynamics etc.
Flight Dynamics, Guidance, Control and Navigation - Controlling post stall, controlling challenges of low inertia, high wind gusts etc. High speed automatic take-off and Landing (ATOL), Advanced Vertical Take-off and Landing (AVTOL), Precision Landing
- Swarm operations
- Network centric control to increase autonomy
- Sensors and Data Fusion
- Light weight secure communications, video stability
Avionics, Data-links & Payloads
Aero-Mechanical & Propulsion- Light weight Propulsion, reliable operation and ruggedisation
- Weight efficient stealth structures
- Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) prognostics
- Long life micro-power packs
- Next generation Al-Li alloys