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Charge Line Mine Clearing (1A)(Baby viper)

Charge Line Mine Clearing (1A)(Baby viper)

Charge Line Mine Clearing (1A)(Baby viper)

This equipment was developed to clear an infantry safe lane of 180 m length and 0.5 m width for the passage of assaulting troops. It consists of TNT/CE explosive filled hose , rocket motor, launcher, parachute and initiator. The system weighs about 317 kg and packed in 8 packs. The rocket motor on firing propels the linear explosive charge from safe distance. The parachute deploys at preset time and straightens the hose while landing. The initiators positioned at both ends of the hose initiates the explosive charge after pre-set time delay. The blast generated due to detonation of charge actuates A/P mines. HEMRL supplied more than 1500 sets

Charge Line Mine ClearingA Charge Line Mine Clearing (Vehicle) equipment was designed and developed to meet the tactical and strategic requirement of the Army for neutralizing antitank land mines and creating a safe lane for the advancement of tanks or armored vehicles in a mine infested war field. The CLMC (V) consists of an explosive filled hose 300 m long laid in a box and mounted on a two wheeled trailer towed by a tank. The explosive hose is projected onto the minefield by a cluster of six rockets. It gets straightened in flight with the help of parachutes and detonates after landing actuating the anti personnel and /antitank mines by blast. A safe lane 6 m wide and about 250 m long is formed by a single unit. The store was accepted by the Army for induction into Service.

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