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Thrust Area, DIA-COE, Bharthiar University

S. No.Centre NameResearch VerticalsThrust Areas
9DIA-COE, Bharthiar University1. Biosensors and Counter Measure Evaluations (BSCM)1. Bio-Markers for Adverse Situations, Forensic and Counter Measures Evaluations.
   2. Development of Infrastructure and Protocol for Targeted Immunosensors, Genomic Sensors and Biosensors.
  2. Environmental Toxicity Management (ETM)1. Explosive Disposal and Management
   2. NBC Disposal and Management
   3. CBRN Protection Technologies
  3. Respiratory Support for Extreme Environment (RSEE)1. Ventilators
   2. Oxygen Generation
   3. Low Pressure Oxygen Deprivation
   4. Decompression of Divers
   5. Respiratory System for Hyperbaric Environment
   6. Solar Powered Auxiliary Power System
   7. Novel Zeolites for Pure Oxygen Generation
   8. Liquid Breathing Fluids and Systems for Underwater Deep Diving
  4. Natural Polymers and Fibres for Defence Application (NPF)1. High Tensile Strength Harnesses
   2. Ultra-Light Weight Structures for Portable Canopies
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