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Thrust Area, DIA-COE, IIT Roorkee

S. No.Centre NameResearch VerticalsThrust Areas
14DIA-COE, IIT Roorkee1.   Smart Infrastructure and Hardened Structures for Defence Applications (SIHS)1. Structures for Extreme Terrain, High Altitude, Hilly Regions and Arid Regions
   2. Materials for Extreme Environment
   3. Shock Proof Structures
   4. Thermal Management of Civil Infrastructure
   5. Semi Buried, Light Weight, Modular, Transportable, Storage Facility for Explosives.
   6. Centrifuge Facility for High Energy Explosive Blast.
   7. Bio Inspired Panels for Projectile and Blast Wave Protection.
   8. Material for Replicating Behavior of Auxetic Structures for Stopping Shrapnels Generated by Blast Wave.
  2.  Energy Storage Device (ESD)1. Li-Ion Batteries and BMS
   2. Novel Battery Technologies
   3. Hydrogen based Energy Systems
   4. Fuel Cells
   5. New Electrode and Electrolytes Materials for Super Capacitors, Na+, Al, Mg Ion Batteries.
   6. Nuclear Batteries for Robotics Application.
   7. Chip Ultra Capacitors for Wearable Applications.
   8. Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolyser for Hydrogen Generation.
   9. Flow Batteries for Air Independent Propulsion.
   10. Thermal, Mechanical and Electrical Energy Storage
  3.  Landslide, Snow and Avalanche Studies (LSAS)1. Advanced Avalanche Prediction & Mitigation Strategies
   2. Strategies for Mitigation of Landslides
   3. Tornado, Flood and Draught Management Using Microwave & Ultrasonic Technology
   4. Landslide Early Warning
   5. Strengthening of Foundation and Pavements in Perma Frost Region.
   6. Anti-Icing Solutions
   7. Equation of State Determination for Concrete and Soil
  4.  Laser Technology for Ranging and Detection (LTRD)1. Laser Range Finder, LIDAR
   2. SoC Development
   3. Laser Communication
  5.  Shock and Detonics (SD)1. Microstructure Informed Chemo-Mechano-Thermal Modelling based Predictive Assessment of Shock-Sensitivity
   2. Materials Design for Blast Mitigation
   3. Experimental and Computational Study of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion Phenomenon of Metal/Metal Oxide in Air Blasts
   4. Sensor Platform and Data Acquisition Systems for Landmine and Explosive Detection.
  6.  Thermal Management (TM)1 . Evaluate Film Cooling Performance
   2. Cooling Mechanisms for Cylindrical and Hole Geometries, Surface of Blades and Other Fast-Moving Structures.
   3. Cooling Solutions for High Power Electronics Chips Through Mounting and Packaging
  7.  Emerging RF Technologies for Application in Defence Communications (RFT)1. RF Power Amplifiers and Their Combining Techniques
   2. Signal Processing & Baseband Techniques for Radio Frequency Front-End Design and Performance Enhancement.
   3. Multi-Functional Radio-Frequency Front-End Components and Subsystem Design.
   4. New Generation Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits.
   5. Advanced RF Antenna System
  8. Advanced Electro Optic Technologies (EOT)1. EO Technologies For Ground based Space Situational Awareness
   2. Optronic Sensor Shield Next Generation EO Sensors
   3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies for EO Systems
   4. Camera for Wide-Area Day and Night Surveillance System
   5. Next Generation Laser Designation POD 3D Laser Imaging System
   6. High Resolution Imaging Payloads
   7. Technologies with Identification Capability
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