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1. Project Proposal Formats

The proposal should be concise well-structured and clearly articulate the projects objectives, methodology and budget. The proposal form is to be filled in stages as given on the submission schedule column. The researcher may however understand the entire form to anticipate current and future submission requirements. Please read the form carefully and contact any of the DIA-CoE Directors or DFTM in case of any queries.

Project Proposal Checklist

Project Proposal Form - Download

S.NoForm NoTitleSubmission Schedule
(Mandatory Requirements)
1Form 1*Summary of Proposal – Basic InformationPre TEC
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
2Form 2*Technical BriefPre TEC
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
3Form 3ALab Recommendation (Initial)Pre TEC
 Form 3BLab Recommendation (Final)Post GC
4Form 4*Extended Technical DetailsPre TEC
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
5Form 5A*Detailed Cost BreakupPre TEC
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
 Form 5BManpower Detailed JustificationPre RAB
Can be revised based on RAB and GC recommendations.
Pre GC & Post GC
 Form 5CEquipment Details
 Form 5DDetails of Expendables
 Form 5EDetails of Procured Services
 Form 5FCost Estimation for ExpendablesPost GC / Final Proposal
 Form 5GCost Estimation for Research Staff
 Form 5HCost Estimation for Proposed Equipment
 Form 5ICost Estimation for Contingency
 Form 5JCost Estimation for Travel
6Form 6API Details Multiple 6A’s can be submitted one for each PI
 Form 6BIndustry/ Startup Co-PI Details Multiple 6B’s can be submitted one for each industry
7Form 7A*Certificate of Project Submission
 Form 7B*Cost Reasonability Certificate
 Form 7C*HRA Certificate
 Form 7D*Certificate of Commercial Use
 Form 7E*Life Sciences Project Certificate


2. Figures of Merit (FoM)- (download PDF)

The Figures of Merit (FoM) section in the project proposal form is designed to capture key performance indicators for the proposed technology. It includes fields for defining critical properties, their targeted values, international benchmarks, and the measurement methodologies to be employed. This structured approach allows for a clear comparison of the project's goals with global standards, ensuring accountability and precision. Additional rows can be added as needed to comprehensively document all relevant

3.  Project Proposal Assessment Formats - (download PDF)

The Project Proposal Assessment Formats provides a comprehensive framework to evaluate proposals. It includes a review of the Figures of Merit (FoM) and project objectives, the proposed deliverables by the Principal Investigator (PI), and the relevance and utility of the project. Additionally, it assesses the PI's capacity to engage with the project, including mentoring during the design or development phases, and outlines the Transfer of Technology (ToT) plan upon project completion. Each proposal is reviewed by domain experts and counter-assessed by the DIA-CoE Director to ensure alignment with DRDO's strategic goals and innovation priorities.

4. Project feedback format - (download PDF)

The Project Feedback Format serves as a structured tool for TEC members to systematically evaluate various aspects of projects. It facilitates the assessment of initial project proposals, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives. Additionally, it supports regular monitoring of ongoing project progress, providing insights into milestones achieved and challenges encountered. Finally, it enables a detailed evaluation of the final project outcomes, ensuring that deliverables meet expectations and contribute to the intended goals.

5. Project Closure Formats - (download PDF)

The Project Feedback Format serves as a structured tool for TEC members to systematically evaluate various aspects of projects. It facilitates the assessment of initial project proposals, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives. Additionally, it supports regular monitoring of ongoing project progress, providing insights into milestones achieved and challenges encountered. Finally, it enables a detailed evaluation of the final project outcomes, ensuring that deliverables meet expectations and contribute to the intended goals.





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