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Wheeled Armoured Platform (WhAP) 8x8

Wheeled Armoured Platform (WhAP) 8x8

Wheeled Armoured Platform (WhAP) 8x8

WhAP 8x8, is an indigenously designed & developed wheeled combat vehicle. The design philosophy of this platform is in consonance with world trend which aims at achieving modularity, scalability and re-configurability to adopt the platform for variety of roles. WhAP has excellent Mobility, Protection and Firepower parameters.It can negotiate mud/slushy terrain with ease. The Vehicle has a capability to sustain mine blast. Variants of Whap, 8x8 with 7.62 mm/12.7 mm RCWS namely (i) Infantry Protected Mobility Vehicle and (ii) Paramilitary variant of WhAP, 8x8 have been inducted in Indian Army and Paramilitary forces.

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