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International Women’s Day Celebrations

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Armament Research & Development Establishment (ARDE) celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD) by organising a workshop “Stree as Manager, Innovator, Leader, Entrepreneur and Scientist (SMILES 2019).” The theme was chosen in recognition of the multi-faceted roles played by working women, and their multi-tasking skills. Smt Rekha Sharma, Chairperson, National Commission for Women, inaugurated the workshop. Maj Gen (Dr) Madhuri Kanitkar, AVSM, VSM, Dean and Deputy Commandant of Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) was the Guest of Honour on the occasion. Dr G Satheesh Reddy, Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and Chairman, DRDO, Shri PK Mehta, DS and Director General (ACE) and Dr KM Rajan, DS and Director, ARDE  Pune were present. Lab Directors, Corporate Directors, senior scientists and nearly 250 delegates from over 50 DRDO labs took part in the celebrations. Dr KM Rajan welcomed the august gathering. In her inaugural address, Smt Sharma appreciated the innate abilities of women and the role they play as a dynamic manager, innovator, and a leader every day at home and at work. She emphasized that thrust should be given to changing the mindset of the society for the advancement of women. Maj Gen Kanitkar, in her motivating talk, implored women to take care of their health to give their best at work and at home. She also advised that women and men should ‘grow together without growing apart’. In his presidential address, Dr Satheesh Reddy praised the contributions made by women scientists of DRDO, crediting them with the success of many noteworthy products, and requested them to stay at the forefront for developing world class systems. He expressed confidence that the women work force in DRDO would go up from 15 per cent to 50 per cent in the next five years. Dr Reddy strongly recommended that Women’s Cells of DRDO labs should identify and organize specific social works for the uplifting of the society. Shri PK Mehta appreciated the multiple roles played by women in the professional and personal lives. The Workshop Proceedings, comprising more than 40 papers contributed by DRDO women employees were released by the dignitaries. Dr KM Rajan, and Dr (Smt) SD Naik, Convener of IWD 2019 also handed over the Deepalakshmi to the representative of Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL), Kochi, which has been designated as the host of IWD 2020. As a social initiative, a Mini Market was set up for the sale of hand made products created by Yerawada Jail inmates, Shri Sai Baba Home for Aged and Blind Women and Shramik Nari Sangh. Several other stalls selling Pune’s special merchandise formed a part of the Mini Market. The cultural programme, “Smiles Sanskriti”, showcasing the culture of Maharashtra through folk dances and Mallkhamb rope and pole gymnastics was appreciated by all.

Release of Workshop Proceedings on the International Women’s Day celebration at ARDE, Pune
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