भारतीय आसमान में चमक तेजस सागा
- Name of Author : एयर मार्शल पी राजकुमार, श्री बीआर श्रीकांत
- Pages: 212
- ISBN : 978-81-86514-78-8
- Price : INR 1400/- US $ 60 UK £ 50
- Language : अंग्रेज़ी
- Publisher : DESIDOC
- Year of Publishing : 2021
About the book:
Development of the Tejas fighter aircraft was independent India’s most ambitious aeronautical project. A group of visionary academics, engineers and scientists was convinced the country had the talent to undertake this journey on a road filled with many unknowns. The Government of India which always wanted the nation to achieve self reliance in high technology fields like aeronautics and space backed the idea. The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) was established in 1984 to manage the project. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) was the principal partner in the project because it was the only organization in the country which had a design bureau and the infrastructure to manufacture prototypes and serially produce the aircraft. ADA, which was placed under the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), was strongly supported by many DRDO laboratories in particular the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) and the National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) under the Council for Industrial and Scientific Research. It was undoubtedly a mammoth multi disciplinary effort requiring good project management skills. The grant of Final Operational Clearance (FOC) for the aircraft, development of the trainer version, arrested landing of the Naval version on the carrier and the equipping of two front line fighter squadrons with the Tejas is testimony to the dedication and technical virtuosity of Team LCA, an omnibus term for the many hundreds of men and women who contributed to the success of the project. This book is about the inspiring journey of the Tejas from concept to entry into squadron service. A must read book for all Indians.
About the Author:
Air Marshal Philip Rajkumar (Retd) spent nine years in the programme from 1994 to 2003. He was given the onerous task of setting up the infrastructure and preparing for flight testing the two Technology Demonstrator aircraft. The National Flight Test Center(NFTC) was set up by him in 1994 which has since performed 5000 prototype test flights safely. Given his long association with the programme he was eminently qualified to chronicle the journey of the Tejas from concept to entry into service. BR Srikanth has been writing on technology matters for over two decades. His keen interest in aerospace technologies enabled him to co author the monograph ‘The Incredible Journey of the Indian AWACS’ along with Dr K Ramchand and S Krishnaswamy. Progress of the Tejas project was closely monitored by him and he has provided many insights on personalities who have played a leading role in the programme.