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खदानें - प्रोसेसर आधारित मूर्ड खदान (पी बी एम एम)

खदानें - प्रोसेसर आधारित मूर्ड खदान (पी बी एम एम)

खदानें - प्रोसेसर आधारित मूर्ड खदान (पी बी एम एम)

The PBMM is the Sea Mine for Blue Seas capable of detecting and destroying Surface / Sub-surface by the Acoustic/ Pressure influence anomaly generated by targets passing in proximity

Salient Features

  • Sea bottom mine 533mm dia. X 3000mm long
  • Deployable from Ships and Submarines
  • Actuates by Acoustic, Magnetic, Pressure influence of targets
  • Fibre glass body to evade mine hunting SONAR
  • Safety for Electrical power, Explosive & Torpedo tube
  • Sensors – Hydrophone, Flux Gate, Magnetometer, Depth Sensor
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