
The Structures Panel was constituted by the AR&DB in 1971. The panel has been one of the fore runners working towards the overall goals of AR&DB. It has made pioneering efforts in sponsored research and has been responsible for developing R&D culture, which was at infancy in 1960's academic institutions and research laboratories.

In the field of aircraft structures the main thrust in the R&D effort during the past three decades has been on the development of understanding of static and dynamic behavior, in the development of software packages and development and application of testing techniques. An important part of this effort has been oriented towards application to composite structures, a significant development of which has been a state of art computer controlled autoclave facility developed at NAL. Another major area of R&D effort has been fatigue and fracture mechanics of metallic structures, which has finally resulted in the development of full-scale fatigue test facility at NAL for fighter aircraft. Besides this, the other fields, which had received attention, are non-destructive testing, vibrations, stress analysis, aero elasticity, computer aided design, experimental stress analysis, finite element method etc.

Panel Activities

Charters and Composition of the Panel

The Structures Panel was constituted by AR&DB with the following objectives:

  • To give technical opinion, recommendations on the feasibility, and financial viability of research and development, of proposals made by research workers in various institutions.
  • To suggest of AR&DB work which need to be promoted and indicate and methods of promotion.

Membership of was extended to experts in R&D Organizations, aeronautical industry, IITs, IISc, DGCA and Air HQ. The Panel had held its first meeting on 27th December, 1971 at NAL, Bangalore and had adopted the following guidelines for it's functioning:

  • Obtain feedback related to problems encountered on current aircraft in order to enable work to be initiated appropriately.
  • Try and obtain state of the art papers relating to aircraft structures from suitable institutions/ individuals.
  • Make efforts for compilation of existing literature on various structural aspects and its translation in the form of data usable by designers.
  • As far as possible, identify projects with established institution in the interest of building competence for long term work.
  • Promote R&D effort through contacts with competent individuals in institution.

Projects Structures Panel

The main area of research so far have been:

  • Composite Structures.
  • Fatigue and Fracture.
  • Dynamics and Aero elasticity.
  • Finite Element Analysis.
  • Experimental Stress Analysis.
  • Non-Destructive Testing.
  • Development of Software and Expert Systems.

Panel Members

Dr Makarand Joshi
Scientist 'G'

Official Address
Research & Development Establishment (Engineers),

Office : 020-27044860
Fax : 020-27044009
E-mail :ardb[dot]sp[dot]coordinator[at]gmail[dot]com

C/M Coordinator

Panel Members
Sr. No.Member NameDesignationOfficial AddressTele/FaxC/M
1Dr Makarand JoshiScientist 'G'Research & Development Establishment (Engineers), Pune-411015020-27044860
020-27044009 (Fax)
2Prof C VenkatesanProfessorDeptt. of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Rajasthan-3420370291-2801513
Permanent Invitee
3Prof Sivakumar SrinivasanProfessorDeptt. of Applied Mechnical, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Chennai- 600036044-22574061
4Dr PC JainScientist 'G'Deptt. Structures, Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL), PO Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad- 500058040-24583564
5Shri P Srinivasa RaoScientist 'G' SMGGas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), PO Box 9302, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore- 560093080-25040156
080-25241507 (Fax)
6Shri Samudra Das GuptaScientist 'E'Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore- 560093 (Karnataka)080-25283404
080-25283188 (Fax)
7Sh Gnanasekar AruldossHOFG (M&PE) DesignAircraft R&D Centre, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore-560037080-22324272
080-22314320 (Fax)
8Dr Ramesh SundaramChief Scientist & Head Advanced Composites DivisionNational Aerospace Laboratories (NAL), Kodihalli, Old Airport Road, Bangalore-560010 (Karnataka)080-25086400/01
080-25267352 (Fax)
9Shri BVSR MurthyScientist ' G'Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL), DRDO, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad- 500058040-24583858
040-24348263 (Fax)
10Air Cmde, PS SarinDQAGAir Headquarters, RK Puram, New Delhi-11006608130471164
11Shri Arindam BanerjeeOS & Technology Director (AF)Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), PB No: 1718, Vimanapura Post, Bengaluru- 560017080-25232790
080-25232790 (Fax)
12Dr SK PandeyScientist 'E'AR&DB Sectt., A Wing, DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi-110011Tel: 011-23007809
Fax: 011-23007853


Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorInstitute
Influence of Shape and End fixity on structural Behaviour of Plexiglass Canopy.Prof. S KrishananMIT, Madras
Influence of shape and end fixity on structural behaviour of plexiglass canopy.Prof. S KrishnanMIT, Madras
The oritical/ Experimantal Analysis of Aircraft Wing type structures.Dr. A V KrishnamurthyIISc, Bangalore
Vibration Analysis of Turbo-Machinary blades including the effect of route flexibility and disc elasticity.Dr. S RastogiMACT, Bhopal
Design and Development of Honeycomb Sandwich beams and panels.Sh. BM RakshitADE, Bangalore
Experimental investigation of aircraft rotor blades.Sh. PadmanabhanIISc, Bangalore
Optimum design of ejectable external fuel tanks.Prof. S KrishananMIT, Madras
Strain Measurement in 3-D structural Joints using holographic technique.Prof. K Rajaiah 
Analytic Exerimental and design studies on fibre reinforced plastic structure.Dr. BalaramanIIT, Madras
Response of flight vehicles to random excitation.Prof. N V NigamIIT, Kanpur
Optimum Design of Honeycomb Sandwich Beams and Panels.Prof. S KrishnanMIT, Madras
Parturbation Methods in Eign Values Problems of elastic Systems.Dr. K Vijay KumarIISc, Bangalore
Experimental investigations on dynamic charateristics of aircraft structural components and materials.Prof. A K RaoIISc, Bangalore
Studies of vibration on aircraft structures & stress analysis of composite structures by holography.Dr. S Baswa RajuNAL, Bangalore
A program for evaluation of FRP Composites.Dr. B R SomasekharNAL, Bangalore
Development of G-Meter for the Investigation of fatigue life aircraft.Sh. C S RanganNAL, Bangalore
Elastic Shell Structures with Cut-Outs Reinforcements subjected to static thermal loading.Dr. K P RaoIISc, Bangalore
Development of computer programmme package for the optimum design of aircraft structures.Dr. S S RaoIIT, Kanpur
Dynamic response of fibre reinforced composites.Dr. R PrabhakaranIIT, Kanpur
Study of a static behaviour of plate elements with central openings.Dr. T N LakshminarayanIIT, Kharagur
Vibration of turbine blades.Prof. V K MukhopadhyayIIT, Kharagpur
Studies on time dependent and other properties of reinforced composites and other structural configuration.Dr. C K RameshIIT, Bombay
Vibration of laminated shells.Dr. A V KrishnamurthyIISc, Bangalore
Design analysis and testing of helicopter blades and investigation relating to joints in composite structure.Dr. M V.V MurthyNAL, Bangalore
Inelastic analysis of shells during random vibration.Dr. S A RamanIISc, Bangalore
Stress analysis and fatigue behaviour of a typical swept back wing using root joint.Sh. S RameshchandraNAL, Bangalore
Investigation of stress concentration in the perforated metal and fibre reinforced plastic plates and laminates subjected to.Dr. K S R K PrasadIIT, Bombay
Fracture design of laminated and composite plates.Prof. K RajaiahIIT, Bombay
Project for computerisations of the full scale fatigue testing facility at NAL, Bangalore.Dr. S R ValluriNAL, Bangalore
Study of aero elastic problems related to the structure control system interaction.Prof. V K MukhopadhyayIIT, Kharagpur
Unsteady forces blade response.Dr. J S RaoIIT, Delhi
A study of the effects of Kinetic heating on aerospace structures.Dr. B Baava RajaNAL, Bangalore
Application on acoustic emissions technique for detection of incipient failures.Prof. B D DattaguruIISc, Bangalore
Airworthiness of aircraft - A systems engineering approach.Dr. V V S SarmaIISc, Bangalore
Experimental determination of modes and theories of failure of the FRP under complex state of stress.Dr. S RawtaniMACT, Bhopal
Finite Element Analysis of Stiffened FRP Shells.Dr. K P RaoIISc, Bangalore
Non-linear response of helicopter rotors.Dr. A V KrishnamurthyIISc, Bangalore
Vibration & aeroelastic studies of helicopter blades.Dr. B R SomasekarNAL, Bangalore
Slef similar crack propagation in glass FRP.Dr. B D AggarwalIIT, Kanpur
Studies relating to control and suppression of some aeroelastic instabilities.Dr. Rajan VepaNAL, Bangalore
Inelastic instability of structures.Dr. Ashwini KumarIIT, Kanpur
Analysis of stresses in missile body made of composite materials.Dr. P S NatrajanGCT, Coimbatore
Characterisation of comosite under dynamic loading conditions.Dr. Prashant KumarIIT, Kanpur
Fatigue crack propagation under service loads in wing panels of fighter aircraft software develoment & evaluation program.Dr. R SunderNAL, Bangalore
Fatigue ccharacteristics of Al Alloy.Prof. K RajaiahIISc, Bangalore
Stress analysis of fatigue behaviour of cracked panels with composite reinforcementsSh Ramesh ChanderNAL, Bangalore
A survey of fracture mechanics application in IndiaProf A C GargIIT, Bombay
Holographic analysis of large aircraft components using indigenously development pulsed Ruby Laser SystemDr D K GhoshIIT, Bombay
Environmental effects on fracture behaviour of FRCMDr A C GargIIT, Bombay
Effect of static loads on dynamic modes of shell type structuresDr S SuryanarayanIIT, Bombay
Response of bladed disc assembliesDr C V Rama KrishnaIIT, Delhi
Response of bladed discs assembliesDr J S RaoIIT, Delhi
Setting up of direct digital tes system vibration studies of aircraft structures and developmentDr R BalasubramaniumNAL, Bangalore, Bangalore
General purpose programme organisation for aeronautical structuresSh C G ShahNAL, Bangalore
Parametric excitation behaviour of aircraft structural elementsDr P K DattaIIT, Kharagpur
experimantal stress analysis techniques- A reviewDr N S VenkataramanMIT, Madras
study of fatigue crack opening and closing under random loadingProf S B L GargMLNREC, Allahabad
Experimental investigations on the static and dynamic stiffness characteristics of thin adhesive jointsDr S SuryanarayanIIT, Bombay
Turbine blade design for fatigue lifeDr J S RaoIIT, Delhi
Acoustic emission techniques for structural integrity evaluation and Inspection (ANT).Dr. T S RamamurthyIISc, Bangalore
A treatise on the theory & practice on NDT & E.Sh. J PrasadHAL, Bangalore
Studies on the effect of static membrane stresses on dynamic modes of plates & shells.Dr. S SuryanarayanIIT, Bombay
Application of J-Integral approach to determine fracture toughness of composite laminates-A feasibility study.Dr. BD AggarwalIIT, Kanpur
Development of 3-D Finite element for application in sandwich structures.Dr. V G PandrinathanCIT, Coimbatore
Investigation into crack propagation in angled crack problems.Dr. L NayakREC Rourkela
Stress distribution around crack in elastic media with or without other discontinuties.Dr. H PahriREC, Rourkela
Analysis of beams, plates and shells made of orthotropic biomodulus materials (BIMOD).Dr. K P RaoIISc, Bangalore
Estimation of unsteady blade forces in turbo-machines using hydraulic analogy.Dr. J S RaoIIT, Delhi
Publication of a monogram on preliminary design considerations for lifting surfaces.Prof. P D DesaiIIT, Bombay
Dev/ Doc & acquisition/ instll of computer program package for setting up of a software library for structures.Dr. B R SomasekharNAL, Bangalore
Transient dynamic analysis of laminated anisotropic composite.Dr. Tarun KantIIT, Bombay
Fracture toughness of fibre composites using J- Integral approach.Dr. B D AggarwalIIT, Kanpur
Experimental investigations of constitutive relations and toughness of FRP at high rates of loading.Dr. Prashant KumarIIT, Kanpur
Application of mechanical impedence techniques for solution of problems in.Prof. DurvasulaIISc, Bangalore
Strength and computer aided optimum design of stiffened plates.Dr. V KalyanramanIIT, Madras
Studies on delaminated composite panels.Dr. A V KrishnamurthyIISc, Bangalore
In-plane fracture toughness of unidirectional fibre composites.Dr. S K MaitiIIT, Bombay
Dev of controller for component fatigue testing facility for use in future R&D program.Sh. R SunderNAL, Bangalore
Fatigue life evaluation of MiG 21M airframe.Dr. K N RajuNAL, Bangalore
Growth of short part through cracks at notches.Dr. K AnandanNAL, Bangalore
Condition monitoring of rotating structural elements through acoustic emission techniques.Dr. V A EshwarIIT, Delhi
FE buckling analysis of beams plates and shells made of composite material.Prof. S RajasekaranPSGCT, Coimbatore
Optimum design of aircraft wings.Dr. C S GurujeeIIT, Bombay
Influence of crack c;osure on SIF in plates/ shells under bending.Dr. K N RamachandranCREC, Calicut
Development of fabrication facility for braided composite structures.Mr. NingaiahNAL, Bangalore, Bangalore
Non linear analysis of anisotropic multilayered structures using finite element method.Dr. K A V PandalaiIIT, Madras
Special purpose finite element composite program.Dr. A V KrishnamurthyIISc, Bangalore
A study of strength properties of notched composites through ND method.Dr. NN KishoreIIT, Kanpur
Integrated helicopter analysis software development.Prof. J NagabhushanamIISc, Bangalore
Acoustic emission technique for monitoring machine tool wear for quality surface finish of A/c structural components.Dr. N S VenkataramanIISc, Bangalore & MIT, Madras
Influence of mechanical properties on crack retardation produced by overloads.Dr. S B L GargMLNREC, Allahabad
Aplication of aeroelastic tailoring in lifting surface design.Dr. B R SomasekarNAL, Bangalore
Elastic plastic fracture studies of rectangular panel with or without crack stiffners.Dr. S K MaitiIIT, Bombay
Vibration monitoring system using fibre optics link for aircraft application.Dr. R BalasubramaniamNAL, Bangalore
Detection and monitoring of fatigue cracks in critical aircraft components using acoustic emission technique.Dr. C R L MurthyIISc, Bangalore
Large deformation, buckling and post buckling of elastic components.Dr. Ashwini KumarIIT, Kanpur
Aircraft under carriage design (preliminary layout and design consideration).Prof. P D DesaiIIT, Bombay
Software package for fracture analysis of aerospace structural components.Prof. B D DuttaguruIISc, Bangalore
Studies on stress concentration around holes and cutouts in FRP plates under static & dynamic loads.Dr. A R Santha KumarMIT, Madras
Studies on the effect of delamination on the vibration and stability of laminates.Dr. P M MukumdarIIT, Bombay
Experimental studies of ballistically impacted composite laminates.Dr. Prashant KumarIIT, Kanpur
Influence of environmental conditions on fracture of fibre composites.Dr. B D AggarwalIIT, Kanpur
Software for interactive instruction & training in copmuter aided design of structures (IIT-CADS).Prof. K S R K PrasedIIT, Bombay
Higher order theories for estimatiom of stresses laminates.Dr. K Vijay KumarIISc, Bangalore
Failure strength of orthotropic laminates with openings.Dr. N K NaikIIT, Bombay
Computer aided analysis of turbo machine blades for stress, vibration and fatigue.Prof. C V RamakrishnanIIT, Delhi
Fatigue behaviour of advanced composites for aircraft structures with emphasis on damage identification and characterisation.Dr. B D AggarwalIIT, Kanpur
Computer aided vibration test and analysis system (CAVITAS) for field applications.Sh. R BalasubramaniumNAL, Bangalore
Hygrothermal effects in fibre reinforced polymeric composites.Dr. P K SinhaIIT, Kharagpur
Application of mechanical impedence techniques for solution of problems in aerospace structural dynamics (MITE-II).Prof. S DurvasulaIISc, Bangalore
Interaction of two cracks which are arbitrarily oriented.Dr. V G UkadgaonkarIIT, Bombay
Some studies in stability/ buckling behaviour of FRP laminated composites plates using higher order shear.Dr. Tarun KantIIT, Bombay
Dynamic growth of tensile cracks in rate sensitive elastic plasic materials.Dr. R NarsimhaIIT, Bombay
A higher order theory of laminated composite shells under transverse loads.Dr. T K VardanIIT, Madras
Study of delamination in composite material laminates using higher orde theories.Dr. Tarun KantIIT, Bombay
Analysis of layered fibre composites stiffened panels.Dr. V KalyanaramanIIT, Madras
Experimental studies on elastic buckling of composite plates.Dr. A K ShrivastavaBIT, Ranchi
Application of image processing technique to the determination of SIF in orthotropic composite materials.Dr. K RameshIIT, Kanpur
Review & modelling for dynamic response of actuator and linkage mechanisms.Dr. S KrishnamurhtyVJTI, Bombay
Condition monitoring of rotating structural elements through acoustic emission technique (phase-II).Sh. Arun PrakashIIT, Delhi
A 3D finite element package with expert system adaptive mesh control.Dr. G PrathapNAL, Bangalore
Analytical & experimental studies on the strength of adhesively bonded joints.Prof. B D DattaguruIISc, Bangalore
Acoustic emission for inflight monitoring.Dr. C R L MurthyIISc, Bangalore
Statics and stability of composite sandwich structures.Dr. K P RaoIISc, Bangalore
Notch root fatigue in aluminium lithium alloys under spectrum loading.Sh. R SunderNAL, Bangalore
Corrosion fatigue crack propagation in aluminium lithium alloys under spectrum loading.Sh. K K BrahmaNAL, Bangalore
Application of experimental & theoretical methods for the prediction of aeroelastic characteristics wing structures.Sh. M R RamamurhtyNAL, Bangalore
Application of experimental and theoretical methods for prediction of steady and unsteady loads on flexible.Sh. M R RamamurhtyNAL, Bangalore
Prepreg machine: Design, fabrication and testing.Dr. Prashant KumarIIT, Kanpur
More studies using image processing techniques.Prof. G SubramanianIIT, Madras
Integrated helicopter analysis software development (phase-II).Prof. J NagabhushanamIISc, Bangalore
Compendium on research & development activities in the area of fibre reinforced composites in the country.Dr. O P BahlNPL, Delhi
ND Examination of notched composites in fracture and impact damaged specimens using ultrasonic and AE techniques.Dr. N N KishoreIISc, Bangalore & IIT, Kanpur
CAD of aerodynamically heated structures.Dr. PalaninathanIIT, Madras
Investigation of short crack behaviour in aluminium alloys.Dr. S A SeetharamNAL, Bangalore
Devlopment of an expert system for optimum design of composite laminates.Dr. S ViswanathanNAL, Bangalore
Repair technology for comosite structures.Sh. M Suba RaoNAL, Bangalore
Fatigue charateristics of plates with cold worked holes.Dr. P R AroraIISc, Bangalore
Dev of general purpose finite element package for structural analysis of isotropic anisotropic & layered composite.Prof. B D DattaguruIISc, Bangalore & NAL, Bangalore
Unsteady air loads and aero-elastic studies of lifting surfaces in transonic flows.Dr. P RajagopalNAL, Bangalore
Condtion monitoring of joints using laser speckle technique.Dr. U A IshwarIIT, Delhi
Knowledge driven software for finite element modelling in structural synthesis.Dr. A RajaramanSERC, Madras
Global local approach for damage tolerant design of composite panels.Prof. AV KrishnamurhtyIIT, Madras
Acoustic emission technique for condition monitoring of manufacturing system.Sh. R KrishnamurthyIIT, Madras
Application of video image processing to aerospace vibration studies.Smt. Shashikala PrakashNAL, Bangalore
Stress analysis of a plate with unequal rectangular holes with rounded corners.Dr. V G UkadgaonkerIIT, Bombay
Development of analytical solutions of elastic pin in finite composite plates.Dr. A C Bhaskar NaiduBMSCE, Bangalore
Anlytical and experimental studies on the behaviour of pin joints in thermal environment.Dr. T S RamamurthyIISc, Bangalore
Development of Canberra vertical tail fin - in glass - epoxy composites phase - I - Process & prototype development.Sh. R M V G K RaoNAL, Bangalore
Reflection and transmission of flexural waves at joints and discontinuities.Dr. S KamleIIT, Kanpur
Mode indicator function estimation, analysis and test system (MIFEAATS) for helicopter vibration studies.Dr. R BalasubramaniumNAL, Bangalore
Interlaminar fracture toughness and energy dissipation in impacted FRP laminates.Dr. Prashant KumarIIT, Kanpur
Effect of moisture diffusion on fracture toughness of advanced composites (accelerated testing).Dr. B D AggarwalIIT, Kanpur
Mixed mode fracture in metallic materials by ductile failure mechanisms.Dr. R NarsimhaIISc, Bangalore
Elastic plastic stable crack growth.Dr. SK MaitiIIT, Bombay
Estimation of buckling strength of damaged composites laminates by vibration methods.Dr. P M MujumdarIIT, Bombay
Active vibration control of flexible structures.Prof. S NarayananIIT, Madras
Axial collapse of thin walled tubes.Prof. N K GuptaIIT, Delhi
Towards a rational basis for solid finite elements.Dr. U ShrinivasaIISc, Bangalore
Viscoplasticity based finite element studies on adhesively bonded joints.Dr. P C PandeyIISc, Bangalore
Fibre matrix bonding & fracture behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites.Prof. L M ManochaSPU, Vidyanagar
Micromechanical analysis of woven fabric laminates.Prof. N K NaikIIT, Bombay
Vibration (flutter) of periodic structures using a wave propagation method.Dr. S ParthanIIT, Kharagpur
Effect of system parameters of electrohydraulic actuator on control surface dynamics and aeroelastic response.Dr. S KrishnamurthyVJTI, Bomaby
Study of mechanical properties of advanced polyester composites simulation & experimental validation.Dr. Anil KumarIIT, Kanpur
Experimental investigations on the static & dynamic behaviour of hygrothermally conditioned composite (mechanically).Dr. P K SinhaIIT, Kharagpur
Parallel processing for FEM development, implementation and evaluation on different architectures.Prof. N BalakrishnanIISc, Bangalore
Studies on the design of pin joints in composites.Ms. Aruna V MurthyNAL, Bangalore
Acoustic response studies of aerospace structures.Ms. Saraswati KrishnaNAL, Bangalore
Parallel processing with FEM in structural analysis (phase-I)Sh. C G ShahNAL, Bangalore
Development of high strain to failure & high modulus carbon fibres.Dr. O P BahlNPL, Delhi
Studies on environmental effects on repaired composite structures.Dr. P BhaskaranMIT, Madras
Microprocessor based fatigue meter for aircraft.Ms. Chinmayee MadhavanNAL, Bangalore
Postbuckling analysis of laminated composite plates.Dr. Ashwini KumarIIT, Kanpur
Dynamic analysis of sandwich panels with composite facing.Dr. S HaranathBMSCE, Bangalore
Study of the fracture behaviour of cracks at bimaterial interfaces and adhesive layers.Prof. B D DattaguruIISc, Bangalore
Evaluation of fatigue damage in composites by acoustic emission.Dr. C R L MurthyIISc, Bangalore
Experimental studies on fatigue of carbon fibre reinforced composites under adverse environment conditions.Dr. A K ShrivastavaBIT, Ranchi
Life prediction of GFRP laminated composites from property degradation.Dr. K ChadrasekranCollege of Engg, Madras
Flow induced chaotic oscillations elastic bodies.Dr. K JayaramanMIT, Madras
Online system for extraction & prediction of aerospace structural dynamic properties from flight vibration measurements.Dr. R BalasubramaniamNAL, Bangalore
Feasibility study for the development of PAN fibres (phase-I).Prof. Pushpa BajajIIT, Delhi
Dynamics of high speed rotating composite shafts.Prof. K GuptaIIT, Delhi
Development of a new technique for determination of damping in rotors.Dr. Nalimaksh VyasIIT, Kanpur
Development of computer controlled autoclave.Dr B R SomashekarNAL, Bangalore
Thermal stress analysis of laminated composites with specific reference to aerospace applications.Prof. T K VardanIIT, Madras
Design of an active flutter suppresion system.Dr. A TewariIIT, Kanpur
Development of canberra vertical tail fin in glass epoxy composites pjase-II fixture dev & staic testing of I prototype.Dr. R M V G K RaoNAL, Bangalore
Inflight monitoring using acoustic emission monitoring.Dr. C R L MurthyIISc, Bangalore
Thermo structural analysis of highly advanced composite.Dr. K SinhaIIT, Kharagpur
Development of high tenacity acrylic fibres as a precursor for carbon fibres.Prof. Pusha BajajIIT, Delhi
Charactrisation of interfacial friction in fastener joints through asperity model of real cylindrical surface.Dr. N GovindrajuAIT, Chikmaglur
Instability & nonlinear behaviour of CFC elements panels.Dr. V KalyaramanIIT,Madras
Condition monitoring of joint using.Dr. Chander ShakherIIT, Delhi
Experimental & Analytical studies of foam filled composite shells.Dr. N K GuptaIIT, Delhi
Experimental studies on fractures initiation & fatigue crack propagation under mode I & mixed mode loading.Dr. P R AroraIISc, Bangalore
Development of a software for the design of strucutres using laminates composite materials.Abhijit MukherjeeIIT, Bombay
Studies of static, dynamic & dynamic instability behaviour of Aircraft strucutral elements with flaws.Dr. P K DattaIIT, Kharagpur
Analysis of composite plates with randomness in material properties.Sh. D YadavIIT, Kanpur
Development of advanced digital image processing algorithms for photomechanics & its application to aerospace composites.Dr. K RameshIIT, Kanpur
Toughness of impact inducted cracks in adhesive bonds & FRP laminates.Dr. Prashant KumarIIT, Kanpur
Studies on parallel prodessing in FEM Phase II.C G ShahNAL, Bangalore
Development of additional capabilities of general purpose programme FEPACSProf. B DattaguruIISc, Bangalore
Dynamics of smart laminated plate structures.Dr. M SeetharamaIISc, Bangalore
Large deflection elastic behaviour of fibre reinforced composite and sandwitch laminates.Dr. Tarun KantIIT, Bombay
Study of dynamic damage growth in fibre composites and their dynamic characterisation.Dr. B D AgarwalIIT, Kanpur
Active vibration control of coupled rotor fuselag helicopter systems.Prof. C VenkatesanIIT, Kanpur
Elastic plastic finite element analysis for cyclic loading and fatigue life estimates of aeropsace structural.Prof. T S RamamurthyIISc, Bangalore
Development of a structural analysis package with built in AI/ expert system advisor and control.Prof. B DattaguruNAL, Bangalore
Documentation on the achievements and future directions of technical activities in aerospace structures.Dr. B R SomashakarNAL, Bangalore
Development of NDT techniques for joints using transverse impacting.Dr. Anil KumarIIT, Kanpur
Canberra aircraft flight trials with GFRP fin.Dr. R M V G K RaoNAL, Bangalore
Monograph on structural joints.Prof. AK RaoInstitute of Engineers
Automatic & adaptive grid generation for engineering analysis.Prof. K N SeetharamuIIT, Madras
Documentation of 1) AR&DB overview 2) Perspective in aeronautical sciences.Dr. B R SomashekarNAL, Bangalore
Sloshing response and coupled dynamic behaviour of liquid filled composite containers.Dr. S K BhattacharyyaIIT, Kharagpur
For producing a video film on AR&DB and its activities.Dr. B R SomashekarNAL, Bangalore
Structural integrity evaluation of stiffened panels.Dr. Ripudaman SinghIISc, Bangalore
Improved dynamic models of high performance space vehicles for design and analysis.Dr. A JoshiIIT, Bombay
Preparation and conduct of AR&DB silver jubilee exhibiton.Prof. K RajaiahNAL, Bangalore
Woven fabric composites behaviour under compressive and impact load.Prof. NK NaikIIT, Bombay
Ultrasonic NDE of damage composite laminates using advanced data analysis techniques.N N KishoreIIT, Kanpur
Development of structural optimisation module for general purpose finite element.B S MaghusudanNAL, Bangalore
Development of test rig and model rotor blades for evaluation of rotor aerodynamics * dynamics characteristics.Prof. J NagabhushananIISc, Bangalore
Development of boundary element analysis & structure for pin joint using inverse formulation.Dr. A C Bhaskar NaiduBMSCE, Bangalore
Free edge stress in composite laminates subjected to transverse loads.Dr. K BhaskarIIT, Madras
Finite element modelling for static & dynamic analysis of stiffened plate/ shell panels using h- adaptive refinement.Dr. Nagesh IyerSERC, Madras
Vibration & flutter of stiffened cylindrical shells using a wave propagation method.Prof. S ParthanIIT, Kharagpur
Development of smart strucutres using shape memory alloys.Mr. M Subha RaoNAL, Bangalore
Development of software tools for photoelastic analysis of rapid prototype models.Dr. K RameshIIT, Kanpur
Visual & Audio based explanation tools for structural dynamics.Dr. Satish ChandraNAL, Bangalore
Post buckling failure and strength of composite paltes.Dr. Ashwin KumarIIT, Kanpur
General theory of smart thin walled tubular structures.Prof. A V KrshnamurthyIISc, Bangalore
Vibration control using piezoelectric actuators and sensors.Dr. S NarayananIIT, Madras
Three dimensional non-linear finite element studies on adhesively bonded lap joints.Prof. P C PandeyIISc, Bangalore
System level studies for vibration control in intelligent structures.Sh. Shashi KalaprakashNAL, Bangalore
Development of parrellel processing Tech. & software for linear and nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures on pace.A Ramamohan RaoSERC, Madras
investigations on strain transfer.Dr. P SeshuIIT, Bombay
Damage growth and characterisation of transparent composites.Dr. N G R IyengarIIT, Kanpur
Interlaminar Toughness of FRP laminates under impact loading.Prof. Prashant KumarIIT, Kanpur
Coupled structural acoustic response of composite strucutres.Dr. P K SinhaIIT, Kharagpur
Impact studies of metallic shells.Prof. N K GuptaIIT, Delhi
Application of smart structures concept for damage detection prevention & control.Prof. A SelvarajuIISc, Bangalore
Analysis of the collapse mechanism of thin walled metallic shells.Dr. R VelmuganSivakasi
Computer modelling of fastener joint in a composite laminate structure.Dr. N GovindrajuAIT, Chikmaglur
Genetic algorithm for the optimal design of composite laminate layups.Dr. S RajasekaranPSGCT, Coimbatore
Analysis of aeroelastic couplings in helicopter rotor blades and rotor/ fuselage dynamics.Prof. C VenkatesanIIT, Kanpur
Aeroelastic control with distributed sensing and actuation.Dr. Kartik VenkatramanIISc, Bangalore
Development of high density moire technique for stress analysis of aerospace structures.Dr. A SubramanianNAL, Bangalore
Track induced dynamics of flexible aircraft with non-linear landing gears.Prof D YadavIIT, Kanpur
Error estimates and adaptive finite elements for damage tolerant analysis in metaalic structure.Dr. S Gopal KrishnanIISc, Bangalore
Topology optimzation of plate structure.Dr. C S JogIISc, Bangalore
Efficient adaptive refinemen sraegy for.Dr. Nagesh IyerSERC, Chennai
Moving support/ magnetic actuators for reducing structural response due to rapid maneuvers: MOSMARSI.Dr. Ashok JoshiIIT, Bombay
Sloshing response and coupled dynamic behaviour of liquid filled stiffened composite shell containers.Dr. S K BhattacharyaIIT, Kharagpur
Adaptive finite element based shape optimisation of stiffened laminated composite structure.Dr. C S UpadhyayIIT, Kanpur
Centre for excellence for composite structures technology.Sh. M Subba RaoNAL, Bangalore
Centre of execellence for composite structure technology.Dr. B DattaguruIISc, Bangalore
Centre for excellence for composite structure technology.Dr. NGR IyengarIIT, Kanpur
Centre for excellence for composite structure technology.Dr. P K SinhaIIT, Kharagpur
Test vector generator for testing safety critical software satifying test adequacy as measure of reliability.Dr. M Renuka DeviNAL, Bangalore
Fatigue and fracture reliability of structural components under Random loading.Dr. Suhail AhmedIIT, Delhi
KAV Pandalai Memorial AR&DB Chair.Prof. A KalanidhiAnna University
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